GOOGLE TRANSLATION (NOT PERFECT): THE GREAT CHANGES COMING TO HUMANITY Dear Brothers and Sisters, are coming of great change for humanity ... as it is recognized today. There will be moments of sudden energy changes, hold you firmly in your inner centers, respecting the rhythm of your heart energy everything will be perfect. Matter and space-time will fluctuate more in the same energy level, their directions are divergent. In the next 3 months, new and great energies come in the aura of our planet. You are already somewhat familiar with them, but they will be at their climax at the next solstice. The consequences will be multiple and brutal: your emotional ties, your behavioral patterns and thoughts will be greatly changed. The energies leave apparent residual aspects of your karmas yet to be illuminated or dissolved. This particular energy that comes from Orion key Gaia, through the intentional channeling of the Brotherhood of Pink Ray - love the purest expression-able to raise awareness and to remove the resistance in all situations that are no longer viable. Which is affected by the Rose Ray of Brotherhood of the Rose Orion immediately changes frequency as this wave is fine, it penetrates deep into the heart of all things, of all resistance: no corner survives that is touched and released by its nature capable of dissolving tensions whatsoever, opening peoples conscience closed-minded to other frequency horizons without failing. As and when these energies will settle down, they will change frequency to achieve the Gold-Ruby, a Christ energy high spiritual quality, magnifying the state of mind of all thanks to its specific vibrational frequencies. These vibrational changes will help you reconnect with your inner spiritual maturity, you naturally find the Guidance of the Inner Master because it is time to free yourself from suffering, emotions that prevent you to open yourself to the future in the energy of this eternal. Stop replay the same emotional dramas, streamline quantum possibilities and let the inner balance you accomplish by Heart values. These specific energies will enable you to fires that until now could not be made aware and made a clear and visible way, there will be no doubt. You will know again the sacred feeling of Pure Love, which will allow you to better integrate it into your inner sacred spaces and accept the physiological changes your physical-energy form. Your realities will overlap clearly recognizable energy patterns: one is decadent, opaque, worn out, the other is bright, vibrant and ethereal. In this new configuration of your aura, will register new future horizons. This is for everyone to participate by his conscious choices to gestate this future to materialize. Let your hearts fill with hope, compassion and joy, let your light shine on the body amplified frequency. Some of you reconnect their memories of past lives or parallel through alignment with the Central Sun, each individual solar reconnecting with his roots: the past, the present and the parallel lives come together in a frequency Unit and a unit of energy consciousness, which affects your inner identity, your inner image of yourself, allowing you to assert yourself as a beautiful and grandiose Entity in augmented reality. You are individually responsible for creating your light body, we simply bring adequate quantum energies to the development of these cocoons of light that must be achieved in a relatively short period of time. The time will also change its rate of rotation and wave amplitude. These changes allow the development of your own creations in multiple temporal spaces. Information is transmitted through many channels and forms. The focal point of the changes is the new rhythm of the Heart Chakra, place from which the whole energy of love is received and sent. The new octave is the reference that allows you to get back to those who, like you, elevation: everyone is realigned with its individual Divine Plan and monadic, opening conscious communication with each own hierarchies. Among those who are here, there were many priests and priestesses of ancient civilizations, warriors and warriors, healers and scientists in the Life of Service. Some of the knowledge acquired in these past lives are stored in your DNA waiting the right moment and inevitable that the restart, and this knowledge will reappear spontaneously activated by the massive waves of love energy, disconnecting the other habits or thoughts that are part of your current baggage. The time of change has arrived and you who read these lines feel the importance and truth of these words deep in your heart. The time to act fully and responsibility came. Your light now dominates situations where hitherto predominant material form. Conflicts disappear when you understand what part of yourself they serve as external projection. By increasing your understanding of love yourself, the peaceful solution appears to itself. Both men and women have the inherent potential to rise in their DNA and be able to rise to the energy of Love only by their inner guidance. None of us chooses those who will be part of this new world. Everyone is responsible for his own evolution as part of proposed global rise of global and universal energy. Those who have committed more responsibility and clarity will obviously be better able to illuminate the shadows of those who are still troubled by their intimate darkness, helping them break free. Everyone is loved, each must make its own decisions and choose the pace of his way of elevation. But time is now faster and events rush; Stay focused on love and light. Many have put pressure to be ready as beacons of light in due time. The messages were not intended to be interpreted cataclysmic and apocalyptic way they used to anticipate future structural changes, starting with the mental level so that those who were very close to strict behavior patterns do not feel lost when their interpretation of the world was dissolving. Love the Earth is your best anchorage to the divine reality through your ancestral lineage and reception of stellar energy of the Grand Central Sun: by breathing and reception of these energies your frequencies rise! When this energy enters your aura and your subtle and physical body, it causes symptoms of nausea, dizziness, disorientation, bilocation (mentally disoriented in time and space), or sudden loss of consciousness s there is a blockage in your energy meridians or your energy centers. The higher chakras, including those of the head and above are connected to the radiation field of the planetary system itself aligned with that of the Central Solar System. Just work the harmonious development of such alignments keeping your body in good physical condition, as clean as possible mental energy and positive emotions. The pace activity / rest, feeding / hydration should be optimized to facilitate the process of transmutation and awakening the light body. These subtle activation energy sometimes come from Sirius (knowledge / awareness / understanding detachment) Orion (Love, Wisdom, Compassion) Canopus (equilibrium energy and recovery of crystalline systems) and Arcturus Pleiades (in Transport parallel or higher dimensions, interstellar guided tours to allow the energies and Reunification Unit). Intra-terrestrial hierarchy is the Grand Secretariat of the Archives and the Registrar of individual maps in the Library crystals; Agartha and Telos are planners agents energy sections to integrate people and to awaken souls according to their degree of arousal rayonance and staff for their energy. The Great White Brotherhood and the fraternities and Rose Gold Orion manage the entire Plan encompassing each business and each speaker. Our job is also to maintain contact with understandable messages for your intellect. From where we supervise, we support all of you, we know your experiences and we insist on telling you that you are dearly loved by all hierarchies, your commitment and your work are honored and appreciated. Be Love, Be Light because it is in this that your greatest strength. Be the canals of Pure Love so that others are affected by your radiance. Raise your frequencies so all will be affected and protected by these vibrations. The light of Christ in your hearts seed is On for light, by the light, for a path of light. Peace in your radiant hearts. Lady Nada in Service to Humanity. Source: Translated and published by Lila You can share the text provided to keep it intact and cite the source: http: // elisheanportesdutemps. Copyright © Hathor Elishean / 2009-2014 / Aux Portes du Temps
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 17:27:59 +0000

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