GOOSEBUMPS AND GOTHIC – THE RIVER FESTIVAL COMES TO TINTERN Want to be terrified by ghost stories in the skeletal remains of a twelfth century ruined abbey? Charmed by tales from famous writers and entertained by beautiful Welsh voices? Then you need to be in Tintern on May 17th, where the glorious grounds of Tintern Abbey will host the village’s part of the The Wye Valley River Festival. The River Festival is an exciting and ground-breaking event spearheaded by the Wye Valley AONB Partnership with support from the Arts Council in England and Wales and the AONB Sustainable Development Fund. This will be the first time it has taken place and the initiative intends to engage local communities and artistic/creative professionals in celebrating nature, culture, landscape and life along the River Wye. It is intended to be a biennial event. The Festival will follow the winding path of the River Wye and begin in Hereford on May 3rd, culminating in Chepstow on May 18th. An exciting and varied programme for Tintern will include: • The Narth Singers will sing about nature. • Readings from the notebooks of 18th century celebrities: William Gilpin, William and Dorothy Wordsworth • A local traditional harpist playing Welsh melodies • Tintern Village tales: A long-time resident will read excerpts from his published book • Brother Thomas a ‘Cistercian monk’ will tell of life in the Abbey and its interdependence with the River Wye. A devil will tempt him from the pulpit. • Henry VIII will enact a scene from the dissolution of Tintern Abbey • A violinist filling the Abbey with birdsong. • Tintern ghost stories, including the Legend of the harvest moon. Local children will ’haunt’ the audience. • Caldicot Male Voice Choir have a programme of beautiful Welsh songs and will bring the concert to a close. Cost: £6.00 Buy this ticket online with Eventbrite This event is in the open air as Henry 8th decided to remove the roof! The audience need to bring their own folding chairs For the full programme in all venues, please click here Or join the buzz on Facebook facebook/TheWyeValleyRiverFestivalTintern and Twitter @wyewonder This will be the event that people talk about for many years to come. Destined to make a splash! Join us and be part of something exciting, a new page in Tintern’s story.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:06:48 +0000

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