GOOood Morning DC, the White house and that international - TopicsExpress


GOOood Morning DC, the White house and that international power-house of foreign policy and diplomacy that has world leader shaking in their boots; from uncontrollable laughter. The President, not mine Barely-Testicled Barry. Good morning Sir, I hope the day finds you healthy and well. Quite simply because the longer your in good health the longer I can continue to torment you by pointing out your failures, mistakes, incompetency, ineptitude, impotence and general incapacity, not to mention your scathing inhumanity and generalized obtuseness created by your inflated and narcissistic ego. Really, your numerous flaws make being concise almost impossible so I have to make due with run-on sentences. When I read “your” books, immediately I recalled the similarity to another book I had read, about an unhappy little boy that would rise to power over a nation. It was a ‘struggle’ reading that book, as his legacy had already been committed. Knowing both his history and the atrocities committed by this frightened child, thrust into power, motivated by his desire, I knew him as a monster. His struggle was much like yours Barry and I even lent the book to many survivors of World War II and asked them their opinion of ‘your’ work. Without even mentioning whom I thought it sounded like the majority told me, they felt they were reading ‘Mien Kamp’ by Adolph Hitler. Even those who had not read Hitler’s, ghost written, account of his struggle to unify the Fatherland; made the same correlation. I of course will be offer no names, as you have sent out more Secret Service investigations to peoples homes over Freedom of Speech issues than any other person in that Office, but it segues nicely into the subject. Recently Robin Morgan made a quote that I, for the life of me, could not fathom in the least. No Sir, I am not nearly as obtuse or even as dense as you are and am willing to take a test side by side with you. I would wager my IQ is at least three times what yours is. However all things being equal let me just quote her here and see what you think. “My white skin disgusts me. My passport disgusts me. They are the marks of an insufferable privilege bought at the price of others’ agony. If I could peel myself inside out I would be glad. If I could become part of the oppressed I would be free.” Set the time on the “Way Back Machine, Sherman” to 1995 and the mind numbing, ‘Best Seller” “Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance”. Hey people think the story of an arrogant little, wanker in “The Catcher and the Rye” is a classic but at least its obvious J.D. Salinger, actually penned his own fiction. I am not alleging that you did not write your books Sir but I am implying it. This little outtake however, is all you, I noted quickly when the ghost writers ended and little Barry came in. Several stories related in both books could only belong to you. From an article in Politico by Mike Allen 3/26/07: “Now they are being read by journalists with intense scrutiny. On Sunday, the Chicago Tribune reported that an extensive search found no basis for an episode Obama recounts about a picture he ran across in Life magazine of a black man who had tried to peel off his skin in a failed effort to use chemicals to lighten it. Obama writes that seeing that article was violent for me, an ambush attack. The Tribune reported: Yet no such Life issue exists, according to historians at the magazine. No such photos, no such article. When asked about the discrepancy, Obama said in a recent interview, It might have been an Ebony or it might have been ... who knows what it was? (At the request of the Tribune, archivists at Ebony searched their catalogue of past articles, none of which matched what Obama recalled.) My how touching, two Colombia College Alumni both wanting to speak about skin peeling and make the statements nationally. What are the odds? Knowing that you made up your story Barry and even knowing the picture of you that you based it on, I think you have a plagiarism case here against Robin. No, I am sure you will not pursue any such defending of your ‘intellectual’ property as I suspect that it is not yours to begin with or Robin’s. Both statements are triggers for cognitive dissonance. In short, it is a horrific statement based to garner excessive mental stress and discomfort. Please pay heeds here America as you are in the middle of a propaganda war and I am just a simple soldier showing you the bullets and shooters so you can doge them. While I could go on about Barry and his lame tactics and his even lamer off script gaffs, where he tries to play manipulator, I am going to divert my attention to Robin. I am very aware I am playing with fire here as she and her Womens Media Center co-founders Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem, wrote an open letter asking listeners to request that the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) investigate the Rush Limbaugh. You might remember the contraceptive controversy where Rush call Sandra a “slut”. Now granted that is a bit over the top for anyone to do and if you do not have first hand knowledge that someone is a slut, you probably are better of not calling someone that. Now if you do have first hand information that someone is a slut, you may go right ahead and call them that, because what are you by obtaining that first hand information? No, better really and hence the very sophomoric paradox of the title. Attaching significance to what is simply a middle school insult that carries little or no legal weight as a tort in a court of law, well now that is the clear actions of a media whore. The First Amendment allows significant latitude to be able to retort to such ‘bossy’ people who insist that you are violating the Politically Correct Code of Conduct. See, as I have never followed or used the required PCCC’s speak or as I call it ‘pussy-speak’, I can only laugh when one finds what I say offensive. That someone would lay upon me the very power of emotionally scaring, with mere words. One of the first rules I learned in life is never expose your weakness to anyone you do not love and trust completely but if you want to be offended, I will keep offending. In short, I am not ever going to be PC and I think more people need to lighten up or at least grow up. This will not happen in the case of Robin Morgan and that, perhaps based on deep daddy issues of abandonment. While some of her works, are actually quiet good, even insightful. The quest of approval causes a schizoaffective hypocrisy in her actions and can be determined in the own self-loathing apparent in the statement. To make such a statement and mean it would require the act of a monk, such as those that burned themselves during the Vietnam War. Since she was part of the anti-war movement in the 60s and I have yet to see any articles, hot off the presses, of her confirming such determination in a blaze of glory. One can only doubt her resolve. Why if she hates her skin, the DNA that conceived her, does she not put her money where her mouth is? She does not even have to skin herself to hold true to her words. She hates her Passport and money as well. So why not move from her posh Manhattan home, give away her worldly possessions and live in some Third World Hell Whole. I mean it is not as if her choices are limited to just one. Self-depreciating statements like the one she made above decimates any credibility about anything in her past present or future. Her sham marriage to the self-professed gay, Kenneth Pitchford only confirms her lack of resolve and even passion. Much like Hillary Clinton, (Someone she faithfully supports) she is a cynic trying to fill the void in her life with power and authority. Now if you feel I am being to harsh, please bear in mind that she made the statement and has made no effort to commit to the action. Rather she made the statement to cause you to commit to self-guilt, to make you feel unworthy simply because of your color, race, financial status, country that you live, and even your own capacity for compassion. That was her goal in this statement that others have already used before her. So before you ask, “Who the hell I am to judge her”; ask yourself, just who is she to judge you? I assure you, her comment is solely about judging you. Now I know she is a Wiccan and as some friends of mine also follow that ideology I just want to add; I have no animosity towards any ideology per say, save for Islam, as they want my head on a platter. All other systems of Faith or lack there of are held in the trust of free will and as a defender of that gift of sentience, I will not judge. Therefore, I am not judging her in any way based on that, although I judge her personally on her disgust towards and opposition to all patriarchal religions. Her lack of tolerance is even more appalling when you look deep into her life. Look, I am sorry your father seemingly abandoned your mother, I am sorry your mother misled you about our true birth and I am even sorry you display classic signs of abuse from your life. That however is only a part of your life Robin and the above statement is not the same person that wrote “The Anatomy of Freedom”. The person who made the above quote is a slave to opinion; is it not time to let go the pretense and be free?
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 05:24:47 +0000

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