GOP Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Deny Services To - TopicsExpress


GOP Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Deny Services To Black People State Sen. Phil Jensen (R-S.D.) doesnt believe governments should interfere in the private sector’s ability to engage in race-based discrimination, according to an interview published in the Rapid City Journal on Sunday State Sen. Phil Jensen (R-S.D.) doesnt believe governments should interfere in the private sector’s ability to engage in race-based discrimination, according to an interview published in the Rapid City Journal on Sunday. If someone was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, and they were running a little bakery for instance, the majority of us would find it detestable that they refuse to serve blacks, and guess what? In a matter of weeks or so that business would shut down because no one is going to patronize them,” Jensen told the Journal, advocating for the free markets role in promoting civil rights. Well Mr. Jensen, you took the thoughts and the logic right out of my head and what I hope for when you succeed in passing this outrageous discriminatory bill is that every taco stand in town will refuse to serve you, every Hispanic and Black will hereafter refuse to service your car, launder your shirts, fill your cavities, put a new roof on your home, paint your house, mow your lawn, climb telephone poles after a winter storm to restore your electricity or generally give you the time of day. Perhaps we can come up with some kind of star -- a yellow one? -- for you to be forced to wear hereafter since otherwise all youll be is just another White supremacist in masquerading as the smiling senator sent to Washington to serve all the people -- but not the ones youd rather not. It also seems like the words free market are used so often today as a means to justify getting around our laws especially when it comes to discrimination. We live in a society which is governed by not only a Constitution but laws as well which supposedly guarantee everyone the same rights yet for some reason this concept doesnt seem to apply to those who advocate this free market concept. We have seen how well this free market worked with the banks and Wall St. which almost led to a complete collapse of our economic system. Rules and laws are put into place for a very good reason and now under the guise of free market certain people think they can subvert justice by declaring their actions can be justified under the guise of a free market. Where does it stop? Whose inalienable rights will be jeopardized next under this bogus free market concept?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:02:58 +0000

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