GOSPEL ECHOES FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT For unto us a Child is born, - TopicsExpress


GOSPEL ECHOES FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6. (FOR UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN, UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN…) – The gift of God’s son, Jesus Christ, was for humanity as a result of His love for us. It was man that needed saving, on his road to destruction, from debaucheries and transgressions. The Father, out of His great love and magnanimity gave us His Son to die and atone for our sins with His blood. Since it is obvious that the Gospel is for man’s ultimate redemption, it would be a pity for not accepting the Gift of “a Son” given to us by our Father, GOD. Not accepting the gift of God (internal life) only means that you have an alternative way to salvage your soul. You cannot reject entrance into a house through the door and only to get in through another means, maybe the window or the roof. This would make you a thief and a robber and if you are armed, then armed robber. Jesus knew that a lot of men would in future claim access to God through different ways and means, so, He gave us the standard of assessing God. In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man (includes anybody and nobody) comes to the Father (GOD), except by/through me”. If you must go to God and stay with Him, you MUST receive His gift of a Son, without which it is impossible to reach Him. So, think carefully on this. (…A CHILD IS BORN, A SON IS GIVEN) – Why does the scripture express the same thing from two wonderful angles? A CHILD …BORN SPEAKS OF HIS HUMANITY. He was not descend from heaven the first time like He would do on His second coming. He was to be born. God aforetime had given a prophecy at judgment evening in the garden after the fall of man. Remember He said …”the seed of the woman (meaning the child the woman will give birth to) will bruise your head….” Genesis 3:15. “A child is born” was prophesied, giving Specific Avenue by which the Savior of mankind will come to earth, i.e. through the womb of a woman, though as an incorruptible seed, Hallelujah! A SON…GIVEN SPEAKS OF HIS DEITY/DIVINITY. From the time Angel Gabriel announced the coming of a Son to Mary, to the time God announced the Son at river Jordan, all in fulfillment of God’s promise of a Son to save humanity from destruction through prophet Isaiah. The Saviour of mankind is the Son of God and not a daughter. I have heard a woman speak profanity saying she is God that redeemed man from sins. Let all those deceived by her take note and be delivered from her. John 3:16 tells it better “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son; that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. This is the only reason why the 2nd person in the Godhead was given to mankind. The intensity of God’s love should propel you to continually give (services, funds, care, attention, even your life) for the gospel. You can only be justified as loving God when you giving-life is consciously carried out daily and in the lives of men. Love thrives better when it is given and manifests fully when it is received by intended recipient, and best when reciprocated in giving. (…AND THE GOVERNMENT SHALL BE UPON HIS SHOULDER) – Revelation chapter 11 verse 15 speaks about Governmental setting. I call it, the revelation from revelation. In due time the rulership of this world would be taken over by Jesus Christ, as He will reign here on earth. Isaiah foretold of this rule in Chapter 9 verse 7. I will surely reign with Jesus when this prophesy is fulfilled. (…And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor (amazing teacher), the Mighty God (awesome, strong and reliable), the Everlasting Father (eternal Father, Lord and GOD), Prince of Peace (Prince of wholeness, the author of peace), His ruling authority will increase (grow) and there will be no limit to the peace He brings. Amen. There was need for a Saviour, there was need for a Son to be given and yes, there was need for a child (seed) to be born. All these were as a result of just one need – THE SALVATION OF MAN. A man without salvation is doomed forever. Hell cannot be undone, it is a permanent place, just like heaven is too. Everyone must go to either one of the divide. No one in this world would like to go to hell, not even a child that has not attain self-realization. If you want to make it to heaven, then there is no other way to get there. You cannot enter into it through the window neither can you dig the ground to go under and into it. You cannot climb to the roof top to try to get in from the ceiling. You need to go through the prescribed way – THE DOOR. It is our Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom, but men being who they are, have not come to terms with the fact that every kingdom has an entrance and every entrance has a way that leads to it. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life that men can live, accept and pass through to God. Let us reason along these echoes from the Gospel all the way from the Old Testament. As we accept His Gift, may Christ shine on us His light and cause His love to overshadow our shortcomings and count us worthy to be with Him in the end in Jesus name.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:10:53 +0000

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