☼ GOSPEL OF THE DAY ☼ YEAR - DAY 06/10 ☼ Who is my - TopicsExpress


☼ GOSPEL OF THE DAY ☼ YEAR - DAY 06/10 ☼ Who is my neighbor? - Lk 10,25-37 ○ A teacher of the Law stood up, wanting to put Jesus in difficulty, asked: ○ Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life, Jesus said to him, What is written in the Law How do you read? He then replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your intelligence, and your neighbor as yourself! ○ Jesus said to him, . Corretamente.Faze You answered this and you will live But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor? Jesus replied: ○ A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among assaltantes.Estes tore it all, beat him, and went away leaving him half dead. By chance a priest was going down that path. When he saw man moved forward by the other side. ○ The same happened to a Levite came to the place, saw the man and went ahead on the other side. But a Samaritan who was traveling came near him, saw him and felt compassion. Approached him and made dressings, pouring oil and wine into the wounds. ○ Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper, recommending: . Takes care of him when I get back, I will pay whatever you have spent more And Jesus asked: In your opinion, which of the three was neighbor unto him that fell among the robbers? He replied: The one who showed mercy on him. Then Jesus told him, Go and do likewise. READING prayerful INITIAL PRAYER I am preparing for the prayerful reading, praying with all internet users: Prayer to the Holy Spirit O Holy Spirit, give me a big heart, open to your quiet and inspiring strong word, closed to all petty ambitions, unrelated to any despicable human competition, pervaded the meaning of Holy Church! A large heart, willing to become similar to the Heart of the Lord Jesus! A large and strong heart to love everyone, to serve everyone, to suffer for all! A large and strong heart to overcome all the trials, all boredom, tiredness all, every disappointment, every offense! A big, strong, steady heart to sacrifice, if necessary! Whose happiness is a heart throb with the Heart of Christ and fulfill humbly fathers wishes. Amen. Pope Paul VI 1 READING (TRUTH) What does the text of the day? I read the Bible carefully, the Lk 10,25-37 text. In the parable of Jesus, neither the priest nor the Levite gave attention and care to the nearly dead. Who stopped, took pity, came close, cleaned his wounds and nursed him taking it with you to the board, was the Samaritan. The Samaritan was discriminated against by Jews and even detested by them. In the parable of Jesus is just a Samaritan who lives the true love of neighbor. 2 MEDITATION (PATH) What does the text say? I also feel called upon to repeat the gesture of the Samaritan? Where? With people? I remember many other people who repeated this gesture, recommended by Jesus: Mother Teresa, Archbishop Luciano Mendes de Almeida, Sister Dorothy, Francis of Assisi, ... The bishops at Aparecida said: The Church as a community of love is called to reflect the glory of Gods love that is communion, and thus attract people and people to Christ In exercise of unity willed by Jesus. men and women of our time feel summoned and resort to beautiful adventure of faith. what they also live together with us so that the world may believe (Jn 17:21).s Church grows, not by proselytizing but Attraction : as Christ draws everything to itself with the force of his love (Benedict VXI, in Aparecida) .A Church draws when he lives in communion because Jesus disciples will be recognized to love each other as He loved us (cf. Rom 12.4 to 13; Jn 13,34) (DAp 159).. 3 PRAYER (LIFE) The text leads me to say to God? I pray the Hymn to Love, Padre Zezinho in song. If I unravel the mysteries of the universe, but have not love; the gift of tongues I had in prose and verse, but have not love, would be a noisy and talkative bell! If I knew about five hundred prophecies, but have not love; if I knew all the theologies, but have not love; have everything but God for me! Love is free, love is love force is light, is not conceited, no knocks no seduces, feels no envy, nor pride or bitterness, know losing but did not feel loser. Love applauds but educates the winner Love forgives the sinner but educates, not disturb does not block: makes walking, waiting and believed, because love knows how to wait. Comes from the past, but is not exceeded. Has its limits knowledge and religion, but love never ends not there (2x). Now we see images or signals, but love, then love is much more (2x). but love, then love is too good! There are a thousand truths on the other side of the window, but love is the greatest of them all! ... CD Songs wrote love - Pauline COMEP 4 CONTEMPLATION (LIFE AND MISSION) What my new look from the Word? My new look is highlighted by the testimony of the Samaritan and the words of Bishops in Aparecida: Benedict XVI reminds us that: the disciple thus founded on the rock of Gods word, feels driven to bring the Good News of salvation to his brothers. Discipleship and mission are like two sides of the same coin: when the disciple is in love with Christ, can not fail to proclaim to the world that he alone saved (cf. Acts 4:12). In reality, the disciple knows that without Christ there is no light, no hope, no love, no future. This is the essential task of evangelization, which includes the option for the poor, integral human development and authentic liberation Christian. (Dap, 146). BLESSING - God bless us and keep us. Amen. - It shows in your face and have mercy upon us. Amen. Come back to us your look and give us his peace. Amen. - Bless us merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Go. Patrícia Silva, fsp [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 03:12:29 +0000

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