☼ GOSPEL OF THE DAY ☼ YEAR - DAY 29/09 ◙ Meeting Jesus - TopicsExpress


☼ GOSPEL OF THE DAY ☼ YEAR - DAY 29/09 ◙ Meeting Jesus with Nathanael - Jo from 1.47 to 51 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him: , This is a true Israelite, in whom is no guile Nathanael said to him, you know me Jesus answered, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. Nathanael exclaimed, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of Israel! Jesus answered him, Are you believing just because I said I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than these. And you also said: Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man! Site: Pauline Portal READING prayerful INITIAL PRAYER In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. - All of us in the web network, the peace of God our Father, the grace and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ, in love and fellowship of the Holy Spirit. - Blessed be God who brought us together in Christs love! Prepare me for reading, praying: Prayer to the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, thou in me, speak in me, prayers in me, ages me. Teach me to make room to your Word, at thy prayer, to your giving me that I may know the mystery of the Fathers will. Amen. 1 READING (TRUTH) What does the text of the day? I read in the Bible, the text carefully: Jo from 1.47 to 51, and watch people, words, relationships, places. Jesus sees Nathanael coming and says he is a really honest man, a true Israelite. Jesus also replied, and for the whole group, with a revelation. Is he the Christ, a true path that joins earth to heaven, the mediator, the Way the Truth and the Life. Nathanael called Master, Son of God. Jesus confesses son of man (= true man). This last statement is addressed to the whole group: I tell you. The reference to the fig is clear to Nathaniel. For us it is still enigmatic. Some interpret it as the image of Israel. Others see it as quiet and everyday life. The tradition identified with Nathanael Bartholomew. 2 MEDITATION (PATH) What it says to me today? The text tells me at the moment? My life reflects what the text says or are there contradictions? In that look like Nathaniel? The bishops in Aparecida, said: The vocation to missionary discipleship is con-vocation to communion in his Church. There is no discipleship without fellowship. Faced with temptation, very present in todays culture to be Christians and new unchurched individualistic spiritual pursuits, we affirm that faith in Jesus Christ has come in through the ecclesial community and she gives us a family, the universal family of God in the Catholic Church . Faith frees us from the isolation of the self, because it leads us to communion This means that a constitutive dimension of the Christian event is the fact of belonging to a specific community in which we live in a permanent experience of discipleship and communion with the successors of the Apostles and the Pope. (DAp 156). 3 PRAYER (LIFE) The text leads me to say to God? Rezo: Jesus Master, thou hast that is eternal life to know you and the Father. Pour upon us the abundance the Holy Spirit! He enlighten, guide and strengthen in your follow-up, because theyre the only way to the Father. Make us grow in your love, that we may be, as the apostle Paul living witnesses to your Gospel. With Mary Master Mother and Queen of Apostles ll keep your word, meditating in her heart. Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life have mercy on us. (Blessed Alberione) 4 CONTEMPLATION (LIFE AND MISSION) What my new look from the Word? I will look at the world and life through the eyes of God. My Way is Jesus. I will make my life as your design. Choose a word or phrase to memorize. I will repeat it during the day. BLESSING - God bless us and keep us. Amen. - It shows in your face and have mercy upon us. Amen. - Come back to us your look and give us his peace. Amen. - Bless us merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Sister Patricia Silva, fsp [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 10:00:09 +0000

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