GOT TRUTH ? It is written that man hates the truth ! But desires - TopicsExpress


GOT TRUTH ? It is written that man hates the truth ! But desires darkness. If we say we believe in God then we believe his word because God said: In the begining, was the Word, (Jesus), And the word was with God, And the Word was God. It is also written that the Word walked in flesh (meaning Jesus). So If we follow what is written in scripture, what it instructs, God instucts us to observe his holy Days, and not follow the traditional pegan holidays of the pagan nations as these are Satasn (the god of this earth) unholy worldly holidays, as he replaces himself for everything that is of God. He is the great imposter. Its amazing how many so called Christians swear they believe in God, yet deny his word which clearly warns us NOT to do like the pagan nations do, and NOT to celebrate their worldly traditions. His point ? When Jesus walked this earth and confronted, the holy priests of the day, following pagan traditions (in the name of his father) Yawah / God. His response to them? He called them Hypocrites and lairs to their faces. Gods word is the same today as was yesterday, so a liar to God in those days would also be a liar to him today. A hypocrite then would be a hypocrite now. Guess that he gave us choice and pleads with us to choose him/Life. But no the world still follows the Kardashians and Miley Cyris, Beonce, Madonna. They make satanic hand gestures showing the image of the beast they truely follow whether they realize it or not. Thats why it is called deception. We still have a choice. Jesus said, Life or death. Choose life !https://youtube/watch?v=9hoEi_f5twI
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:31:46 +0000

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