GOTNI PRESIDENT HOLDS MEETING WITH BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER- GETS ENDORSEMENT Guardians of the Nation International (GOTNI) a non -profit organization with the sole aim of affecting the live of Nigerians positively by instilling leadership values into them. The president and founder of Guardians of the Nation International, Linus Okorie in a closed door meeting with the British High Commissioner in Nigeria, Andrew Pocock expressed gratitude to the Ambassador for an opportunity to share some of his thoughts on leadership with him. Mr. Pocock reiterated his gratitude as he shared his experiences during his first visit in Nigeria in 1983-1986 when Lagos was the Federal capital of Nigeria, and since then he has been to other African countries like Zimbabwe, Tanzania, to mention but a few. Pocock who spoke to GOTNI crew, says that leadership is a simple word but has a big concept which matters in every sphere of life ranging from the family, to companies and to countries especially a country like Nigeria. According to Pocock, Nigeria is a country of enormous potential. It is a country of great size. He stressed on the fact that Nigeria’s size and resources alone does not guarantee its stability, success or the fulfillment of its potential, he says that what Nigeria needs is a catalyst. Mr. Pocook says leadership is not a thing for a group of selected people, but for all, particularly young people who would engage in a number of things like to base their approach to live and leadership on some foundation of core values like integrity and effort. Andrew Pocock who is one of the keynote speakers at the forthcoming emerging leaders conference, he advised young people to put in more effort to maximize their personal potential if they want to be great and successful. On a final note, he expressed his gratitude to the president- Linus Okorie for the opportunity to be speak at the conference and to associate with GOTNI.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 16:10:38 +0000

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