GOVERNANCE CAN SUCCEED IF? MATTHEW OKIRI OKEYIM THE VOICE MAGAZINE NETHERLANDS, HOLLAND. Why is it that some societies are progressing progressively? Even within Africa countries like Rwanda that came out from a brutal genocide that was triggered by Tutsi and Hutsi in 1993 is now a Country turn from a jungle to a city. The level of development and transformation in Rwanda explains to us if President Paul Kagame has done well for his people or not. No matter what we may argue we all have to appreciate President Paul Kagame for putting an end to the genocide that took place in his country. The focus of this write up is to explain to my readers in Africa why President Kagame has succeeded within this short time frame to move such a country that was engulfed in a brutal civil war to become one of the fastest Developing Countries in Africa. President Paul Kagame have succeeded to move Rwanda to greater heights because there is a high level of positive and close relationship of his government between his people that often involves mutual trust , understanding and attention within the Rwandan society. The key question one is asking therefore is that what brings about the understanding, attention and mutual trust between the people and government in society? The answer is if there is a good RAPPORT between government and its people society is bound to progress at progressive rate no matter the level of conflict that might be inherent in that society. It therefore implies that if the people have disrespect on their past and present leaders and nothing good to say about their country how can we move the country forward? When there is a rapport between government and its people in society we realize that citizens have similar interest, knowledge, behavior and attitudes towards its government. Remember even relationships between individuals, groups, companies, corporations, organizations and governments that have succeeded were as a result of the establishment of a good rapport. President Paul Kagame of Rwanda should be considered for an award as one of the best leaders Africa has produced in the 21st century for stopping the genocide in his country and creating a rapport between governance and his people. I think we can as well get this understanding, attention, and trust between government and his people in Nigeria if a rapport is established with government and his people willing to respect one another wisely. May God bless Nigeria, Cross river state and the entire Northern senatorial district to establish that rapport of mutual trust, confidence and understanding between one another.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 10:05:44 +0000

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