GOVERNMENT IS FORCE, IT IS NOT BENEVOLENCE, WHAT PART OF THAT IS TOO HARD FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND, AND WHY ARE THEY CHEERING? PLEASE BRACE!!! By and large, the American People just don’t get it, when it comes to the federal government, and the politicians who run the federal government, although these forces act, consistently, in complete dictatorial fashion, “serving” only in terms of their total disdain of the Constitution, and the rule of law, in this country. It is not like you need a telescope to focus in on what the federal government does, as one of the most corrupt political bodies in the world (more about that later), and what it is, today, namely, a cesspool of corruption, a criminal enterprise which routinely exercises arbitrary power, which is a result of the corruption that is located at the very core, of the federal government. What the federal government is not, and never will be, is benevolent, although attempts are made (very subtle) to make it appear that the power wielders, in Washington, have the American People’s best interests at heart. The very idea, I am driven, hastily, to say, is beyond ridiculous, ludicrous, in fact. Government is force, and that is all it is. It is not benevolence. You can’t operate from a position of force, and from a position of virtue, at the same time. Two objects cannot occupy the same space, at the same time, and two ideologically opposite tenets cannot be harmoniously placed in the same ideological space, at the same time. Really, when the issue comes down to virtue, no government, on earth, is virtuous. All governments, on the planet, lack virtue, so let’s not get carried away, here, thinking that, when discussing the absence of virtue in government, that the reference is only to the governments headed, for instance, by the likes of North Korea’s despicable leader (and friend of this utter buffoon, Dennis Rodman), Kim Jong Un, thus thinking that the reference only applies elsewhere, with elsewhere being everywhere but the nation’s capital. The major difference between Moscow, and Washington, to be sure, is that Washington’s tyrannical power is more concealed, necessarily so, because of this nation’s traditions, which explains why the radicals are working behind the scenes, at this very moment, pushing what is called the Common Core Curriculum, in today’s public schools, which, if they get away with their plans, their present-day masks will not be necessary, in the future. The federal government is on its way to Moscow, and to Havana, without having to change its geographical location. The transition will not be physical, it will be ideological, and this country has already been taken a long way down that path. The process is a relatively slow one, given the need for stopping, and starting a particular process, for masking purposes. For instance, recently, there were reports that the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) had plans to place federal bureaucrats in newsrooms, the reason, for such, explained in very benign terms, having to do with the federal government’s interest in seeing how decisions were made in newsrooms. Nothing to see here folks. When this rouse was publicly exposed, out came the head of the FCC, who was “shocked,” of course, that such had even been mentioned, lest known contemplated, and, certainly, he knew absolutely nothing about it. Someone [not him] had exceeded his authority, without permission from anyone at the top. These federal agencies, such as the FCC, and the IRS, you see, have renegades in them, where lowly federal employees just go off on their own, doing whatever they wish, not a care in the world about career consequences, unrestrained, as underlings, who want to see how news boardrooms operate, or who is saying what, to whom, without any authority, as underlings, to do anything about it, once they find out. The culprits, one notices, are not actually identified; no one is called on the carpet, just called before the cameras, for appearance purposes, from time to time, while no one is fired, unless it is necessary for the higher cause. This stop, and start, approach, is necessary to reach the ultimate goal, that goal being to have a situation, in the future, where political masking will not be necessary. It is not necessary in North Korea, right now, and has not been necessary there, every since the country was divided at the 17th Parallel (or is it the 38th Parallel, which I think was the dividing line for North Vietnam ,and South Vietnam?), which separated North Korea from South Korea. Not so, here, in the United States. Lincoln waged war, for four years, to keep territorial division from taking place, in this country. The divisions, here, therefore, have to be in the form of ideological divisions, cultural divisions, class divisions, and, of course, racial divisions, until the moment arises where government tyranny is such in this country, and the people are so weakened, that the trap can be sprung, by releasing the hidden springs that are already, covertly, in place. Right now, in this country, however, political masking is necessary because there are too many people who, when, they went to school, “in the good old days,” they were taught the Constitution. That is being quietly changed. The Common Core Curriculum has been placed in classrooms today; it is not a curriculum that embraces constitutionalism; it embraces Communism. It is a federal curriculum, although the federal government has no constitutional role in the field of public school education. That is a State function. Yesterday, President Obama spoke in front OF a group, which applauded his comment that 7.1 million people had signed up for healthcare under the Affordable Care Act. During his talk, Obama said that this triumph was achieved, in spite of the fact that some people don’t want others to have healthcare. His comments were another aspect of the allegation one heard from Florida Representative, Alan Grayson, who said that some Americans wanted other Americans to just up, and die. The same people, Grayson would have us know, who hate old people, and hate women, although Grayson might go a little bit light on the latter accusation, since reports are that his wife has sought, and obtained, a restraining order from the court, to keep Grayson from physically abusing her, out of his, one assumes, agape love for her, and concern for the happiness of his wife, because he loves women, no hatred to be found anywhere, on his own person, just look at his finger. And then, there are the hateful Americans who want to just up and throw granny over a cliff. There is a segment of the population, in this country, you are told to see, which hates black people; hates old people; hates women; hates immigrants; and hates everything but hate, itself. But have no fear, there is the federal government, which loves us, and will save us. That’s why we have the Affordable Care Act, and those, who are saying they cannot afford their care, under this act, or, are receiving less care under it than they received before being forced into “Obamacare,” Senator Harry Reid would have them to know that they are lying. He said so, right before saying he didn’t say so, even though his saying so, is on tape. And then there was the federal government, reining in the totalitarian power of cruel businessmen, who won’t even give their workers a living wage. So, then, “along came John, slow walking John, slow talking John” [remember the song?], telling these awful business people to give America a raise. Those applauding this insanity did not see the arbitrary power being wielded, did not see the mask, and thus did not see that there was a gun in the room. Government is not benevolence; government is force. The pledge to raise the minimum wage, of minimum wage jobs, for crying out loud, hides the fact that the federal government’s policies have closed off other job opportunities, above the minimum wage level, by strangling business, in which case workers are forced to stay in jobs that pay a minimum wage. Then, as icing on a frosty cake, there is the constancy of discussions, in Washington, about immigration reform, which never leads to reforming anything, while low-skilled workers continue to break into the country, competing for jobs, at low wage levels. The federal government creates the problem, through the backdoor, and then comes through the front door, where the microphones, and cameras, are located, to tell the American People about its benevolent intent of solving the problem that it has, covertly, created. When minimum wages are raised, on minimum wage jobs, 90% of economists will tell you that such laws cause greater unemployment. They will say, correctly, that, whenever price is increased on a product, the demand for that product is decreased. Thus, in the area of labor, if the price of labor goes up, the demand for labor will go down. But there is another reason, that such takes place, which brings us to the area of political science. The political reason for higher unemployment, under such conditions, is because force always adds to cost. When the government gets involved in economic transactions, force is brought to bear upon the situation, the reason being that government has a gun, and when government enters what, otherwise, would be a situation with various options, there are no options when government brings the gun into the room, and places it on the table, not for negotiating purposes, but for the exercise of dictatorial power. You want to talk about hating black people? OK, let’s have that conversation. At higher wage rates, blacks’ unemployment rates will go up, not because of racism, but because raising the minimum wage rate to, let’s say, $10.10 an hour (an arbitrary figure stated by Obama, who offered no economic reason why this figure would be better, than some other figure), the gun in the room says that any employer, who hires anyone for, let’s say, $9.9 an hour, is going to jail. Blacks have a higher drop-out rate from school, than whites, and the government has these individuals competing for higher wages, with those, for instance, who didn’t break into the country, but completed high school, in larger numbers. “They ain’t getting no jobs folks.” The government said so, albeit, covertly. The government hates black people, and white people, and brown people, and old people, and rich people, and poor people, and…. Those black teens will never work in this country because the government’s laws make it illegal to hire them at a level commiserate with their level of productivity. Look in these communities, for the effect. Black teenagers, idle, with nothing but time on their hands, using this time to wreak havoc on the communities where they live. Benevolence, you mean the government? Are you kidding?! By presenting itself as benevolent, few notice what is really taking place, the government using its masking to take away the American Peoples liberty. The federal government can brag about having enrolled 7.1 million, in “Obamacare, although only about 800,000 of that number will be premium payers. And for those, who will be paying premiums, the payments will be higher, in more cases than not, and still people won’t have access to better healthcare, not only because doctors are being driven out of the profession, but also because the deductibles will be cost prohibitive, so the available care cannot even be accessed. What will make healthcare affordable, in the long run, will be the Affordable Care Act’s hidden provision, for “death panels.” Dead people don’t require any healthcare coverage. In order for the illusion to be given that the Affordable Care Act is working, there is a need to enroll people in the plan who are not likely to get sick, the young people, and then on the other end, choose the ones, who are more likely to get sick, the elderly, and then decide who, among them, is worth saving. While people are applauding this slight-of-hand trick, another government distraction, America is being moved further down the path toward F.A. Hayek’s “Road To Serfdom.” For some reason, I don’t think the American People should be cheering, or applauding.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 00:31:03 +0000

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