“GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM; NOT THE ANSWER.” Ronald Reagan Democrats are admitting that Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster; but they are insisting that the Republicans come up with an alternative. Even more exasperating is the fact that the Republicans are agreeing that they need to come with an alternative, and are promising to do so. NONSENSE – the alternative and the answer, is to get the government out of healthcare. For those who are young and healthy, and believe healthcare is not worth the price -- GRANT THEM THE FREEDOM TO DO WITHOUT. For those who want health care -- GRANT THEM THE FREEDOM to deal with private insurance companies of their choice, even across state lines, and purchase the healthcare THEY believe they need, at a price determined by insurance companies competing for their business. It is absolutely insane to demand that private insurance companies insure for “pre-existing conditions.” Moreover, it is a completely separate problem, and should be dealt with separately.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:06:48 +0000

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