GOVERNMENT OBJECTIVES 1-10 CABCDDDACC 11-20 DDEACEAACD 21-30 AEDDECDEDD 31-40 CEBDAECBCE 41-50 DECDBBEABE 51-60 CEBEDDDDEA 1a)What is Rigid constitution: it may be defined as the constitution which cannot be amended or changed so easily because of its specialist ringent and cumbersome producers of amendment 1b) Features of a constitution (I) It contains fundamental principles and objective (I.e the idelogy) of the state (ii) It contains a preamble which states the reason for the adoption of the of the constitution (iii) It defines the arrangement of powers among government institutions (Iv) It defines citizen fundamental human rights – including the duties and obligations of the citizen (V) It establishes the political structure of a country 2. i. Unity ii. Provision of organization iii. Provision of organization iv. Control of the government v. Change of govt vi. Sectional or diversified interestbr /> vii. It serves as a link Explanation to No2. -Unity: political parties note the people on major issues affecting the state. -Provision of organization: they try to provide an organization for running the government -Control of the government: political parties exist to contest election and control the government -Change of government: with political parties contesting elections, change of government is made possible -Sectional or diversified interest: they harmonize sectional and diverse interest -It serves as a link: political parties always serve as a link between the people and government 3a. Civil service: is the administrative arm of the executive organ of government responsible for formulating and executing government policies and programme 5. i. Preparation of voters registration: This mean only qualified citizens should be registered and allowed to vote ii. Counting of votes: Votes must be counted under strict supervision to avoid rigging of elections iii. Opportunity to campaign:Candid ates must be given adequate time and opportunity to campaign and present their manifesto. 6a). Non-alignment is da ability and freedom to take action on international, political, economic and social issues on the basis of justice. 6b) 1. The military support Nigeria got from USSR during her civil war. 2. Nigeria maintains embassies in both the western and Eastern bloc countries lyk USA BRITAIN, FRANCE, USSR, etc. 3. Breaking of diplomatic relations with france for testing atomic bomb in the Sahara in 1961. 4. Abrogation of the defence pact with Britain in 1965. Signing multi and bilateral agreements with countries of both Western and Eastern blocs. 9. i. Free choice of leaders: It gives the electorate the opportunity to elect leaders of their choice ii. Equal Opportunity: it ensures equal opportunity for all citizen in all spheres of life iii. Stability: Democracy promotes stability in the country iv. Misuse of power: Democracy does not allow for misuse of power because power is not concentrated in the hand of one person 10. (i)its member nations belong to many different other organisations (ii)its member nations pursue different foreign policies (iii)it has no power of compelling its member nations to comply with its decisions and implement its resolutions (iv)its member nation do not maintain the preferential tariffs (v)the commonwealth has no charter like UNO and OAU (vi)member nations no longer grant free movement to immigrant from common wealth countries 7a Political participation is any activity that shapes, affects, or involves the political sphere. Political participation ranges from voting to attending a rally to committing an act of terrorism to sending a letter to a representative. 7b i. Conventional participation: Activities that we expect of good citizens. For most people, participation occurs every few years at election time. People strongly committed to politics are more likely to participate on a regular basis. Example: Conventional political participation includes voting, volunteering for a political campaign, making a campaign donation, belonging to activist groups, and serving in public office. 2. Unconventional participation: Activities that are legal but often considered inappropriate. Young people, students, and those with grave concerns about a regime’s policies are most likely to engage in unconventional participation. Example: Unconventional political participation includes signing petitions, supporting boycotts, and staging demonstrations and protests. 3. Illegal participation: activities that break the law. Most of the time, people resort to illegal participation only when legal means have failed to create significant political change. Example: Illegal political participation includes political assassination, terrorism, and sabotaging an opponent’s campaign through theft or vandalism. 8. ECOWAS had to deal from the beginning with the inherent problems in these cases, like for instance the effective coordination of policies throughout the region, the need to help some countries that may suffer loses in the early stages or the need to surrender some sovereign powers in the decision-making process. Since coordination of economic planning and economic policies demand somehow surrender of part of sovereignty, integration problems could arise because states in the sub-region seem to jealously guard their sovereignty. In the ECOWAS Treaty, among its aims, there is no mention for bargaining between ECOWAS countries and the rest of the world, especially the industrialized part of it. This is an important omission for the need of the Member States to have a common stand on many issues and to bargain together with other countries. Another major criticism of ECOWAS as it emerges from the provisions of the Treaty is that “it would create a free-trade zone favouring the more- developed Member States at the expense of the less- developed ones”. Thus, elimination of customs duties among the members might open wider markets for those countries that have already heavy industries, which means they could dominate the markets of the less developed ones with products that are produced at lower costs, with cheaper raw materials from within the community. [b]FIVE PROBLEMS OF ECOWAS (I) The fear of domination of smaller states by larger ones creates abarrier to the attainment of unity. (ii) Free movement which the character provided has proved difficult to implement as a result of the socio - economic problems it created for member states (iii) There are civil wars and other internal conflict in many of the countries (IV) The rivalry btw capitalist and socialist members of the community, has weakened the effective performance of the communities.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 09:33:16 +0000

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