GOVERNMENT OF GOD CABINET LINE UP: 1.Ministry of - TopicsExpress


GOVERNMENT OF GOD CABINET LINE UP: 1.Ministry of finance Haggai 2:8-gold and silver are mine declares the almighty God 2.Ministry of education Hosea 4:6-my people perish because of lack of knowledge 3.Ministry of roads John14:6-am the way.the truth and life. 4.Ministry of Tourism Mark16:15-go into all corners of the world and preach goodnews to every creature 5.Ministry of labour Mathew9:37- the harvest is abundant but workers are few 6.Ministry of sports Mathew19:30-many who are first will be last and who are last will be first. 7.Ministry of health Isaiah53:5-I took all your infirmities and by my stripes you were healed. 8.Ministry of transport Mathew11:28-come to me,all who are tired from carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest 9.Ministry of internal security Isaiah54:17-no weapon formed against you shall prosper 10.Ministry of agriculture John15:1-Am the true vine and my father is the gardener He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruits Which government are you??
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:37:37 +0000

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