GOVERNOR ALEX TANUI TOLGOS NOW TAKES ON A SOCIAL MEDIA CRITIC OF HIS REGIME HEAD ON; SAMMY KIPLIMO LAST FRIDAY FIRED A STINGING ATTACK ON THE EMC CEO; BELOW WE REPRODUCE THE GOVERNORS POSTING;- Alex Tanui Tolgos(on fb), Sammy I know you supported me in my campaigns n it might be bitter if the person you voted for dont perform. I have read carefully what youve written and believe that somebody else is using u to malign my name. EMC office is open to all and if you have any issue please come and clarify before raising issues in the social media. To answer some of your concerns 1. I stay in my own house in eld n the county doed not pay even a single cent for my accommodation though I am entitled to. 2. My trip to Belgium yielded the sabor water project worth 1.7b which weve already signed the contract n will start before the end of this year. 3. Our county integrated development plan is out and was funded by usaid to a tune of 15m together with training of county staff which included laptops to all mcas. Last week I signed another 20m funding for health sector. 4. 10.8 m Pyrethrum Seedlings donated n planting in different areas along the highlands. 5. Iten district hospital has been improved with patients as far as eld seeking treatment at the facility. I dont mind criticism and advice but please dont allow other people to use u for their selfish interest.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 22:15:06 +0000

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