GOVP has been completely rewritten from first person to third - TopicsExpress


GOVP has been completely rewritten from first person to third person. I am really happy with the results and would love feedback from any brave readers. It will be available on Amazon soon in its 2.0 version. Read the new first chapter and post a comment. Chapter One Drew Wolf’s red lacrosse jersey flapped in the breeze as he dangled his head out the window of his mom’s SUV. The Monday after spring vacation was looking awesome. Not only did he have warm sunny weather for his lacrosse game but dozens of girls were walking into Sparta Middle School wearing short-shorts. He jumped out—even before coming to a full stop—and grabbed his equipment bag from the back seat. “Mom, I need you to pick me up at 5:30,” he shouted through the open door. “And make sure you stop at the drive thru and bring me a number seven with extra fries.” “Drew, is it a home game or away?” she asked. “Home,” he grunted and slammed the door shut. Drew unzipped his bag and held his brand new black and gold lacrosse stick up to the sky as if it was part royal scepter, part lethal weapon. Stick in hand, he pulled open the front door and marched down the hallway. His first stop was the locker of Jasmine Atkins, who decided to greet the warm spring day with a low cut tank top. He leaned his stick against a locker and put down his bag. Jasmine looked up from flipping her hair into place. “Hey, Drew,” she said and gave him a massive hug. “So Jasmine, Are you coming to the game—we could use you to distract the other team?” “Will you score a goal for me?” she asked—still squeezing his shoulders. “I’ll score five,” he bragged. After three seconds of hugging, Drew slid his hands down on her butt. No objections from her. Hugging the hottest girls in school was just one of his many perks for being the captain of the school lacrosse team. It was too bad that Drew was getting light-headed from her perfume. “I’ll see you there,” he said and released his grip. Jasmine smiled and went back to adjusting her hair in her locker mirror. As soon as Drew saw his teammates Leo and Tony from down the hallway, he grabbed his gear and started pushing through the morning mob—jabbing the butt of his lacrosse stick into anyone dumb enough to get in his way. “Yo Wolf,” Leo howled as he flew through the air and gave Wolf a massive chest bump. “Are you pumped for the game today?” “You know it!” Drew matched his volume. Leo is easily the scariest guy on the team. Six feet tall and still growing. Crew cut like a Marine. When he races down the field defenders step aside rather than confront him. It’s no different in the hallway. “We’re gonna kick some major butt!” Tony declared and gave Drew a chest bump that almost made them both lose their balance. Tony flexed his meaty arms and scrunched his face until it turned almost as red as their team uniforms. Even though he looks like a big baby, shaggy-haired Tony is an awesome goalie. It helps that he’s wide enough to cover 90% of the net. The three of them ran down the hallway shoulder to shoulder. Everyone they passed timidly walked single-file. Most kids didn’t even make eye contact. “Move it dork,” Leo yelled to a six grader who foolishly crossed their path. Drew reached his stick out and slammed a row of seventh grade lockers shut. Not to be outdone, Tony elbowed a puny kid who miraculously recovered and staggered away in the opposite direction. Drew turned to his bros and laughed. Nobody messed with them when they’re on the prowl. By the time the two minute warning bell rang, most kids had fled to the safety of their homerooms. Drew was just about to lug his lacrosse bag into his homeroom when he spotted his favorite prey in the distance. Morgan Finch was standing at her locker, alone and totally exposed. She’s hard to miss. Most of the students at Sparta Middle School try to blend in—she stands out like a pimple on picture day. Before Morgan could grab her binder out of her locker Drew slammed the door shut with the end of his stick, barely missing her fingers. “What the…,” she yelped. “Hey, Gothzilla,” he shouted in an ear that sprouted at least five earrings. “Halloween is over—you can take off the mask.” She scowled and redid her combination. “Real clever, I never heard that one before.” Drew put down his lacrosse bag—a signal to his bros that it was game on! Behind Morgan, Leo pretended to stab himself on her black spiky hair. “Hey, did you know there’s a porcupine’s butt growing out of your head?” “At least I have hair,” she said as she reopened her locker and quickly grabbed her binder, also black. Then Tony flicked the bottom of her long black dress with his lacrosse stick. “Nice outfit—but doesn’t the bride of Frankenstein want her dress back?” She spun around and faced them. “If you like it so much you can borrow it over the weekend?” Tony and Leo looked like they wanted to rip her head off, but Drew held up his stick and they halted. He may not be the brightest guy on the planet, but he knew they’d get in major trouble if they wailed on her in the middle of the hallway. He had a better idea. On the top shelf of her locker, behind what looked like three voodoo dolls, and a shrunken head hung from a cord, he saw a black plastic orb—her Magic 8-Ball. “Hey Morgan, watcha got in here?” “None of your business!” she hissed. Drew reached in and snagged it before she could slam the door on his fingers. “Give that back!” she screamed. “Didn’t you ever learn to share?” he said shaking it vigorously. “Magic 8-Ball, will Morgan ever be normal? Hey it says—My sources say no.” “That’s it!” she shrieked and lunged at Drew. Drew dropped her 8-ball into the basket of his lacrosse stick and sent a perfect pass to Tony who caught it in his oversized goalie stick and lobbed it to Leo who ran down the hallway, cradling and flipping it upside down in true all-star lacrosse style. Drew started to laugh his head off. “Drew, you used to be a reasonably decent human being,” Morgan growled. “Why’d you turn into such a major butthead?” “I don’t know—you used to normal—why are you such a mutant freak?” he shot back. She shook her head. “You weren’t always like this. I remember when we used to be…” “Incoming!” Tony yelled from down the hallway and launched the Magic 8-Ball right at Drew. He missed the pass—on purpose. The Magic 8-Ball banked off the hard metal lockers and crashed on the tile floor. It cracked open and spewed out globs of blue yolk like some kind of evil Easter egg. Morgan scooped up the broken pieces and arranged them on top of her binder. “One day all of your nastiness will come back to bite you,” she said as she scrambled to make her first period class. “Yeah right.” Drew laughed. “Dudes that was sweet,” Tony roared. They treated themselves to another round of chest bumps. A few bystanders milled about. Some even laughed and gave them thumbs up. No teachers around to tell them they can’t have a little fun in the morning. No harm done—they could still make it to homeroom on time.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:50:49 +0000

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