GOod Friday Jaustre. Sharing what I typed up buying some rest - TopicsExpress


GOod Friday Jaustre. Sharing what I typed up buying some rest and stretching our time in his room. Verdict from last night : support staff heeded my request to brush and gargle better as his gums were bleeding badly last time... However when we got home and gave him a shower part if his head he hits walls and doors with has hairs laying flat and head a bit tender... It means he had a few bad tantrums this week. Could well be a sign of boredom and still not having a consistent program of tasks.. The video is an old one around Christmas. My grandma used to say that Easter Sunday is also Christmas. BELOW is what I typed last night during breaks... Rtetuttfh gdtgvhj JAUSTRE is watching me type this up. Its Good Jaustre Friday and will hopefully be a nice and safe and not too late night watch visit. Hes already a bit impatient but he has allowed us to lie down on the bed straight away. There s a whole heap of baskets of clothes (clean) on his kitchen bench top which means he had a bit of obsession going still. Its one of the most annoying , wasteful and unreasonable obsession that needed a lot of controlled timing and planning when he was still at home with us. School has the same issue.. Being a special school they had washing Maxine , dryers and washing line in school. When washing is up it has to come down. In his mind they are two inseparable tasks/events. He has never comprehended that the purpose of putting clothes on the line is to dry them. He allows clothes to go up but only for them to be taken down as soon as the last piece is hung. Yes using a dryer is an option but it feeds another obsession which is using the dryer. There was a point when we had to put the dryer outside the house ( under an awning ) so at least doesnt steam up the house too much and also stops him from obsessing over it when it gets dark. Washing and drying had to be done when hes out of the house which made it so difficult during school holidays. Basically it was challenging during school holidays fullstop. Part of the obsession is folding and each piece has to be folded in a certain way. The biggest problem is if they are wet ! They have to be folded no matter what. When he sleeps they get put up on the line yet again or else they get washed again the next day if he goes to school. Its also best that clothes get taken down before he comes home from school. When his dad was with us can be done as he doesnt go to work until night time. JAUSTRE learnt to fold clothes thats the one good thing about it but this skill he only seem to use now with folding of towels as part of the pre shower routine. The clothes in his room now are not even properly folded. Lets just say that JAUSTRE is the labandero ( laundromat ) in his house. This obsession I know got worse when JAUSTRE finish and left school when he was 19 over a year ago now. I suppose it isnt bad to do the washing everyday in this house given that there are 4 young men living here and that it means that they always have clean clothes undies and towels all the time. Ive just finished disinfecting and mopping the floor in both his rooms while J is impatiently prodding me on. Now buying more time and resting by typing this bit. Her sister has been sleeping almost an hour now. She too had a long day yesterday going to an inter uni party at the marquee Sydney. It was a white party ... After picking her up from STar hotel we did a quick trip to the fish markets... It looked as if those who decided to remain or go to Sydney were there.. A lot of seafood business today for sure as they were open from 5am to 5pm. Some really good fresh fish and shell fish. We got a few barramundi and snappers . An NBC friend came to the house for makeup demo but we also had a chance to share a good lunch. Im glad we set this up as we havent really caught up since I moved to my new job. We used to carpool every Monday night for rehearsals but now I drive up by myself. It gets really busy at chorus especially leading up to the concert and competition so even chatting becomes scarce. Ok JAUSTRE you win. Lets clean your bathroom next. So far weve done over an hour. Another half hour and we should be OK to take you home big boy! Please make it a Good Friday tonight...
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 22:00:25 +0000

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