GPS (Grow, Pray, and Study) Guide Monday: Mark used the Greek - TopicsExpress


GPS (Grow, Pray, and Study) Guide Monday: Mark used the Greek verb schizo to portray what Jesus saw happen to heaven (which in New Testament Greek meant the place where God dwells). Mark 15:38 used the same verb, saying the Temple veil was torn in two as Jesus died. In what ways has Jesus’ life and death “torn open” heaven for you, and al- lowed you to move into a closer relationship with God? Tuesday: Baptism is a type of washing. We come to God tired and defiled and are washed clean, given a fresh start. Jesus did not need that kind of baptism—he was sinless. Yet he humbly asked to be baptized anyway. Jesus did “what was nec- essary for us, humbling himself and identifying with our humanity (Philippians 2:5 -11, Hebrews 2:11-18). What does that tell you about how much he values you? Wednesday: We don’t read about any conflict when two of John’s followers set off after Jesus. John saw his life mission being about leading people to Jesus (see John 3:28-30.) How can a desire for credit or status get in the way of your life car- rying out its deepest mission? Thursday: Christ’s followers through the centuries have wrestled with the para- dox that, even as we “walk in newness of life,” we still fall short of God’s ideal again and again. (Romans 7:14-25.) In what ways have you seen Christ’s gift of new life break the ruling power of sin in your life? What are the ongoing areas of struggle in your life? Friday: Unlike Jesus, you’ve probably never been tempted to turn stones into bread. The temptation “fit” him—he could use his power to be the political, mate- rial kind of messiah most Israelites hoped for. In what ways have you been tempted to use your unique abilities and powers for our own glory and advancement, rather than to bless others and build God’s kingdom? Jesus met temptation with scripture. So can we: Philippians 4:8-9 “...if anything is excellent, if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, all that is worthy of praise.” What other Bible pas- sages help you resist the lure of evil? Do you, like Jesus, make memorizing key Bible passages part of your life with God? Saturday (Family Activity): Think of the many times you come in contact with water each day (washing your hands, brushing your teeth, bathing, cooking, drink- ing, cleaning dishes, etc.). Choose one day when each family member keeps track of how he or she uses water. Share lists with one another. Invite everyone to re- member his or her baptism each time he or she uses water. (If someone has not been baptized, ask him or her to remember the baptism of Jesus or of someone else in your family, then discuss the possibility of baptism at Country Chapel UMC!) Prayer: Lord, every day I’m tempted to take my eyes off you. Please help me re- member my baptism, treasuring your Word enough to learn it, and bringing it to my mind when I need to resist temptation. Amen. Faith in Action!—This Week’s Faith in Action Challenges Faith In Action: 1. Invite Someone to Sunday Service for “The Way” series. 2. The Feinstein Challenge is now underway! Through March & April, all monetary donations to the Food Pantry will be 10% matched by the Feinstein’s. 3. Send a note to someone, just to tell them how special they are & how much God loves them! See you soon at Country Chapel UMC! In Gods Grace, Pastor Ryan
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:05:24 +0000

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