GPS? I just Love my GPS guidance technology I have on my phone. - TopicsExpress


GPS? I just Love my GPS guidance technology I have on my phone. The lady with the very pleasant voice once I ask for directions comes on and says GETTING ROUTE. She gives me exact information to a destination that I have typed into my phone. The key here is that I cant misspell a word or give a wrong zip code. It is MY responsibility to first have a destination and the exact directives before I ask for guidance. The one beautiful thing about the GPS lady is she never ever ask where I have been, and why would you want to go there, and even if I decide not to listen to her original instructions, she just adjust to help me arrive by my self inflicted alternate route. There is just never any judgement, because it always boils down to the drivers responsibility. The navigator only responds to OUR desires and OUR belief of given directives. If we are not receiving what we are asking for, it is never a shortage of resources, it is only US allowing or disallowing that which we are asking for. We are all eternal beings, which means the creativity in our eternal life never ceases, because those who seek more, create more, and those who become idle create that world also. We are never to young and never to old, because inside eternity, age does not exist. GPS = Gods Perfect Signal! Just follow the voice Who never cares where we have been. Sunday LOVE!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 12:35:00 +0000

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