GRAB A TOWEL GIRLS ITS 69 SHADES OF GINGE ( THE MECHANICAL MOTTER ) After a messy time banging and MOTTING in magaluff I come back to the good old ROCHDALE to go on the pull to find some proppa birdz. I decide rather than go dali and fall on my face, Im just gunna go to THE BLUE LOUNGE (DIVE) and have a snoop for some clunge, I spot a bird in their whos trying to get a bang off everyone but they all turn her away and I feel bad for her so I go over to Buckle her, Orite love u need ya back doors smashing ? , well that depends on if your any good ? she says, listen love they call me the mechanical MOTTER because I provide a great MOT service, My tongue does no wrong I say, being only good with your tongues abit shit she replies, Im good at everything, its like a 3 coarse meal the MOTTING is the starter, the banging is the main dish followed by your desert which is aload of my cream. So she says that sounds Unreal yep u can open me up like a can of beans then if u want she says. so I walk out with her and she says come back to mine I live at TOWN FLATZ, so we go their she lives on the top floor so we get in the lift, on our way up she gives the trumpet abit of a blow then I give her the good old shuffle of the deck, then we get in the flat I throw her on the bed its that time again LET THE GINGE MOTT THE MINGE So I MOTT away and her legz are wobbling more than pat butchers fat belly on a trampoline. Oh my god ginge im ready to release my love juice she says, oh well thats good I think to myself Im getting dry mouth, so she shoots her poison then I say right bend over ya sink al smash u from behind ( so I dont have to look at her) I think to myself shes ruffer than a slice of burned toast, the toothless bird behind the job centre made her look like TULISA and CHERYL COLE, Im gunna go through u like one of them virgin trains I said, so I bang away and she starts making these wild noises like she is george in the jungle or summat, so after ive rammed her we stop I pull out and try shooting my juice in her eye so she has to go wipe it and I can make a run for it, so she crawls to the bathroom coz shes been buckled by the ginge, I make a run for it and run all the way down to the bottom of town flats to bump in to the toothless girl who Ive banged a few times Ginge will You bang me again last time was unreal I couldnt walk for 3 days I needed physio of the doctors she said, Yep why not I said LET THE GOB SEE THE NOB, LET THE FINGERZ SEE THE MINGERZ, LET THE JAPS EYE SEE THE PIE! so I take her across the road at the back of LIDL SHOPPING MARKET ram her and leave her lieing unconsious as she has yet again just been GINGED and I walk Away after buckling 2 filthy bastards in one night thinking I am TOP DOG BOOM!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:11:01 +0000

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