GRABBING THE ENEMY: In Malawi today, our problem is not poverty - TopicsExpress


GRABBING THE ENEMY: In Malawi today, our problem is not poverty but unity. In Malawi today, our problem is not governance but leadership. In Malawi today our problem is not marriage but trust. In Malawi today our problem is not freedom but laziness. In Malawi today, our problem is not schooling but the archaic type of school system we go through that trains a lot more job seekers than job creators. In Malawi today, the problem is not leadership but our leaders; most of them priotise their bellies more than the masses. In Malawi today, the problem is not the lack of resources but our attitudes. In Malawi today, the problem is not under development but selfishness. In Malawi today the problem is not creativity but support. For how shall we be living a life of isolation? For how long shall we be living a life of greedness? For how long shall we be noise makers on social network without being useful on the ground? For how long shall we use social network to build anger in the hearts of people through divisive, senseless, slanderous posts and unsavoury posts that are of great diservice to the nation? Are we inspired by the wars in Nigeria, Sudan and the rest of the world? Are we impressed with our standard of living? Are we happy the lack of jobs? Are we at peace with the way things are in our country as at now? Are we proud of our history that we are creating for our grand sons and daughters in the next 50 years? Would you be around in 2064? Would you be proud to share your story? What kind of a Malawi would it be? I will be 76 yrs then. I will be an Old man, possibly weak and frail but not sickly. I will be at my retirement farm, in Magido looking at my crops, livestock and orchard with my old cute wife of my 48 year old twins. I will be spending much time writing and reading great transformational books for my country and the world large. Where would you be? What would you be doing? I tell you that battle starts now. I tell you that long journey begins now. I tell you, you are the only one to make this country a better place if you better now. I tell you, you are the only person to fully develop this country if you are personally fully developed. Join: YOUTH NETWORK MALAWI now and be part of a team that is to re-define the history of MALAWI..!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:45:22 +0000

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