GRACE and PEACE be MULTIPLIED to you in the KNOWLEDGE of GOD and - TopicsExpress


GRACE and PEACE be MULTIPLIED to you in the KNOWLEDGE of GOD and of JESUS our LORD seeing that HIS DIVINE POWER has granted to us everything pertaining to LIFE and GODLINESS, through the TRUE KNOWLEDGE of HIM WHO called us by HIS own GLORY and EXCELLENCE. FATHER GOD YOU are OMNIPOTENT, ALL-POWERFUL: none of YOUR purposes can be withheld or frustrated. “I KNOW that YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING, and that no PURPOSE of YOURS can be withheld from YOU” (Job 42:2). “Ah, LORD GOD! Behold, YOU have MADE the Heavens and the EARTH by YOUR GREAT POWER and OUTSTRETCHED ARM. There is NOTHING too HARD for YOU” (Jer. 32:17). LORD JESUS YOU said, “With GOD ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE” (Mat. 19:26b). FATHER GOD YOU see my POTENTIAL. HEAVENLY FATHER YOU SEE me for WHAT I CAN BECOME, as YOU WORK in my LIFE, In the HIGHLY EXALTED NAME of JESUS. HEAVENLY FATHER YOU are in the business of TAKING NOBODIES (cf 1Samuel 16:7) and TRANSFORMING them by YOUR PRESENCE in their lives. HEAVENLY FATHER YOU know my weaknesses, my faults, my shortcomings but HEAVENLY FATHER YOU dont say If you get those things out of your life, then Ill be able to use you. HEAVENLY FATHER take MY INADEQUECY and TRANSFORM it by YOUR ADEQUECY, In the HIGHLY EXALTED NAME of JESUS. “HEAVENLY FATHER YOUR GRACE is SUFFICIENT for me. FATHER GOD may YOUR POWER be MADE PERFECT in my weakness, In the HIGHLY EXALTED NAME of JESUS.” Therefore I will BOAST all the MORE GLADLY of my WEAKNESSES, so that the POWER of CHRIST may REST upon me. HEAVENLY FATHER for the sake of Christ, then, I am content with WEAKNESSES, INSULTS, HARDSHIPS, PERSECUTIONS, and CALAMITIES. For when I am WEAK, then I am STRONG in YAHWEH (the LORD) and the POWER of YOUR MIGHT, In the HIGHLY EXALTED NAME of JESUS.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:54:31 +0000

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