GRACIE BELLE.....It was 5 weeks this morning (Wed) that Gracie - TopicsExpress


GRACIE BELLE.....It was 5 weeks this morning (Wed) that Gracie Belle was first diagnosed with Parvovirus. At that time, we had spent a total of 49 hours with her. She had vomited a couple of times and we thought that maybe it was a change in puppy food, because we did not know what she had been given before being tossed into the river. At that time, she weighed 8 pounds. When I held her little body, she could curl up in one arm against me and sleep. I took her to the vet to get her shots started, not having any idea that anything was seriously wrong. We lost two puppies to parvovirus about twenty years ago. They got sick and died within hours. I did not know what an ordeal Gracie would go through and had no idea even two weeks into the treatment of the expense we would have in saving this special little gal. She still has to have blood work sometime next week to check her red and white blood count, as well as her sugar level and if the numbers are where they should be, hopefully she will go back to vet only for boosters and spay when she is older and stronger. We have had Buddy, her 77 pound puppy we got for her instead of the Clydesdale horse, neutered and Chewy, who was Bos companion and playmate, was spayed yesterday. Gracie Belle is back to her original weight of 8 pounds after losing down to 6 pounds. It has been 16 days since I brought her home after a 5 day, 4 night stay at the Pittsburg vet ER. She still does not like to be alone, so she spends her days with Buddy and me. Buddy and I call her his Gracie Flea as she is always jumping on him, biting him, and making sure he does not get a nice, peaceful nap. He tries his best to ignore her, but she likes all the attention she can get! When I called Pittsburg every 3-4 hours to check on her, usually she was with the person I talked to, either on their lap or next to their computer. This evening, all of the guys, including Buddy were outside. Austin brought Gracie in to stay with me. She sat there, looking so alone in the world. Her head was hanging down and she was looking up with her eyes as if to ask why everyone had left her. I picked her up and tried to hold her like I used to when she was ill. I carry her a lot, but I have not held her like that for about a week because she did not have time once she had energy, lol. Just as soon as I got comfortable and tried to hold her in my arm, I realized how much she has grown! She has a longer body and cannot curl into one of my arms, so I thought maybe she could lay like she did with her little head on my shoulder against my neck. She could not lay still. I tried letting her lay beside me. Now I know how Buddy feels! The weak little puppy from 2-5 weeks ago has turned into a high energy bundle of joy! While a part of me misses the baby-like cuddles, I am so glad she has come this far. She is demanding, bossy, vocal, and physically fitter than I would have dreamed. Yesterday, she wanted to run while we were in my parents back yard waiting for both of my Grandsons to get off of the school bus. So, the old fat grandma and the recovering puppy were well matched, both of us getting tired at the same time. She sat down on the ground, while I remained standing because I did not know if I could get back up. Austin came and he walked with her and carried her. I had to walk back with no assistance. I did not remember 50-60 feet being so long, lol. She is doing better and better and I BELIEVE her blood work is going to be PERFECT numbers!!!! This little pup DEFEATED parvovirus! She survived intestinal surgery and a pancreatitis attack! THANKS for ALL of YOUR CONTINUED PRAYERS!!!! I have seen a LOT of ANSWERED PRAYERS today on FB! PRAYERS CONTINUED for ALL!!!! Love ya!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 03:52:01 +0000

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