GRACIOUS SPEECH! (part 5 of 10) Volumes have been written - TopicsExpress


GRACIOUS SPEECH! (part 5 of 10) Volumes have been written on the development of good communication skills. Much money has been spent on seminars to train better communicators. Still, breakdowns in communication continue in every corner and on every level of society. The truth is that if people would simply adhere to a few simple communication concepts an amazing difference could be made. As Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus, in just one sentence he presented a concise positive perspective that, if put into practice, could make a world of difference in our communication with others. Paul exhorted. . . “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is GOOD FOR BUILDING UP, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” (Ephesians 4:29 ESV) If the principles of this verse alone were put into practice it would take care of much of the conflict in interpersonal relationships. Today let us consider the first of three. Paul stated what we say ought to be “good for BUILDING UP.” Is our speech HELPFUL or is it a hindrance. Does it tend to BUILD UP or tear down? Does it EDIFY or destroy? Does it help to MEND or rather rip apart? There are people around us who put up with put downs on a regular basis. Can we see the good in others to comment on and encourage? Having received NURTURING from the Author of life, we ought to extend some of that to those we meet on a daily basis. May we help others see the value they have in the eyes of God. And as we think about them, let us LIFT them up in our prayers while we strive to LIFT them up by our encouraging words. Have a great day SPEAKING UPLIFTING WORDS! Carl
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 17:30:43 +0000

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