GRADED “A” , MISSION “ FAILED” “ Defense of the ancient - TopicsExpress


GRADED “A” , MISSION “ FAILED” “ Defense of the ancient tayo nang magdota umulan o bumagyo kahit nakabota tawagin na ang tropa lets start the countdown everybody push get ready for gangbang”,,,, hooowh seems to be familiar? Obviously a sottocopy from the “dota o ako lyrics”- one of the no. 1 hits songs in the country last year. It’s no longer new for us about these DOTA, LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, HEROES OF NEWRETH OR WE EVENTUALLY CALL MOBA’S- the most recent addiction of the youth these days. Of course! Who will be unaware about these if every computer or internet café ‘s you gaze and glance first thing you will see is a photo or a streamer of the famous heroes of these moba’s. Actually I won’t deny that somehow this is a great past time especially for the students after a stressful and exhausting life at school. This is somehow a best way of entertainment for them to relieve and forget about their problems regarding their studies. A great help! But somehow did we ever think that this is only a great help at the proper time and not every time? Students were sent to school by their parents to study. Parents provide and afford every thing they need – they give their allowances, pay their tuition fees, and extra money for their projects and assignments. Parents work hard under the sun as their children go to school aiming for the best future. As they walk, they settled these as a mission to be accomplished. Yes! They attend their class and listen to the discussion but their mind is somewhat floating and playing thinking on how they will find a new hero and defeat their enemy. Wow! What a nice student! Physically present but mentally absent. Sounds funny but a fact that cannot be denied. The thing that should only be a past time becomes their daily hobby. Therefore, it turns out that the main objective of going to school is to play mobas rather than getting serious on their studies. Some students who are a moba addict can balanced their studies and playing, there are some or many i should say that could not. Just sad to think that they can’t cope up with their lessons but their updated when it comes to dota. Where did their mission go? Isn’t it that they have a goal in life? Do they still want a high grades and pass their subjects? Or they will live a life with that moba- forever looking for a new hero, thinking for a new tactics to defend their self and defeat their enemy? What a miserable life it could be. One time I intentionally open up a website regarding these moba’s and I was surprised of what I discover!. Moba terms such as ace or genocide and ad or attack damage, dota trash talks and dota pick up lines such as “ frozen throne o world tree ka ba? Kasi kung wala ka na, wala nang dahilan para lumaban pa.”, “sana hod nalang ako ( helm of dominator) para sa isang click ko lang sayo akin ka na, sa ayaw mo’t sa gusto”. How how how! They have a wide knowledge regarding these things but when it comes to studies it is only limited. They have a lot of time in playing but they just only have a few time allotted for their studies. They know how to defeat their enemies, to trash talk, the rules in playing and the best dota or moba heroes but do they know how put their self in serious which regards to their studies? When quizzes, exams come, most of those moba addicts got a low score resulting to a failing grade. They were graded “a” for being the best player in moba but mission “failed” for their studies. I’m not saying that playing moba is a bad hobbit but rather you should pay more attention on you’re studies if you want the best future. Dota, league of legends, heroes of newreth or moba’s can wait and can’t fade away but education are precious wealth that can’t be wasted. Remember when you are young you have a mission or a dream that you want to accomplish, so if you don’t want that you’re mission will fail, focus more on the things that are important and more needed rather than on the things that will give you only a short time happiness. Beware if you don’t want to be graded “A” but mission “FAILED”.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 08:37:04 +0000

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