GRATITUDE CHALLENGE DAY 5 Today I get to thank the people who - TopicsExpress


GRATITUDE CHALLENGE DAY 5 Today I get to thank the people who are at the core of my very being…my husband and 2 precious angels, Tumi and Nyakio. My husband of 9 years…and boyfriend of 16. My mushy monski ☺. We’ve come a loooong way together haven’t we? Remember when we used to “borrow” that Steers ketchup to weka on our kenchick fries? or when we’d skive class to go play chess in the park? when we’d skip meals and walk, instead of catching a mat, coz we were saving for your first computer? Remember when we were “bursted” by kajo cops for kissing outside city hall? Hahahaha!! My life is literally riddled with so many fun memories we’ve made together! You’ve added so much flavor to my life monski, and for that I’m ever so grateful. Thank you for standing by me all these years. For “riding the tide” with me, laughing with me, and being strong for me when I was low. Thank you for being my rock. For all your advice, for being such an awesome leader of the “Mathenge crew”, and being such a loving and caring husband and father. You are an amazing man monski, let no-one tell you otherwise. You’ve helped me grow in sooo many ways; you’ve cheered me on in this race called life. I can only hope that I’ve added as much value to your life, as you have to mine. I absolutely couldn’t ask for a better life partner. I’ve loved you for the last 16 years of my life, and I will love you forever. I’m undeniably your number one fan ☺ My Tumiso….such a caring, compassionate & clever little girl! Beautiful both inside and out. Its funny, but I’ve learnt a whole lot from you my angel. The way you empathize with people who are less fortunate than you. The way you literally want to stop the car and give your “money for Jesus” to someone who looks like they really need it. You’ve challenged me to become a better person. Just by being youre caring self, you constantly reinforce in me the love your neighbour as yourself biblical concept. You’ve also challenged me to be the best me that I can be….because I want to tell you with confidence, “if I can do it, so can you” . You’re a wonderful and caring big sister to Nyakio. I know you’ll always have her back throughout your life…I know because you’re just a naturally caring person. I’m so glad you came into my life….and inspired me to write a song that I honestly didn’t think would become as big as it did, because I was simply writing from my heart. You’re a blessing to me, my sweet love, and I will forever love you! My darling independent, determined, free spirited Nyakio. Sometimes I stop in my tracks and ask myself….surely, how much does God love me, to have gifted you to me? You’re only 13 months old, yet in your short existence, you’ve impacted me so so much! I absolutely admire your “go getter spirit” . So funny how independent you are at such a young tender age! The way you put yourself to sleep at nap time; how you sooth yourself back into slumber when you wake up in the middle of the night; even how you stopped yourself from “nyonyo” so early (too early for me if I may say ☹ ) But its like your telling me in your own little way, “mama, I gat this!” I thought I was done learning with Tumiso, but you taught me yet another important lesson; Not to impose what I want on my babies, but to tailor make my parenting to fit their individual personalities. I love you so much my precious sunshine, i hope youll one day come to understand just how much i do Girls, you are destined for big big things!! That im sure of. I only pray that God will give your dad and I the wisdom to parent you sufficiently to bring you into your individual purpose & destiny on this earth, because therein, lies your greatness and fulfilment. Monski, girls, May God bless you mightily, and favor you all the days of your life. May you always know joy, peace and love. May you prosper in all you do! And always know, mama’s gat you!! ;-)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 20:05:54 +0000

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