GREAT IDEAS How many times in your life have you had a great - TopicsExpress


GREAT IDEAS How many times in your life have you had a great idea, and then you thought to yourself, no, I can’t do that. How many times have you had a great idea and someone else told you, no, you can’t do that. You can achieve anything, when you become consciously aware that it is YOU, and only your thoughts that determine what you can achieve or not. Take the opportunity now, to realize that it is YOU who actually creates thoughts of positivity, and it is also you who can cast away your fears and doubts. I know through experience that when I have had a great idea and acted upon it with great effort and belief, that idea, that thought, became my reality! Very importantly, take time to think of what it is you want in life, use your “imagination” what is it you desire? Not what you think you deserve, or what you are capable of receiving. THINK BIG, everything in this entire universe was created by thought, there are endless possibilities to create, be brave and go for your wildest dreams, remember, what ever great idea you have, it is firstly your thought of that great idea, then the actions you take upon that great idea, with of course total belief and “knowing” that you will succeed, it is then you will see the recipe I have just given you is magical. You will start to see your great ideas turn into reality! Tunnel your vision, keep focused on your idea, do not allow others or their thoughts to get in your way. When you put these words to action the universe works with you, magic happens all around you that helps create your ideas because of your intent, effort, and actions taken. This is a time for creativity, we live in a creative universe, we have creative minds to think and create abundantly! #BeInspired #GreatIdeas #BeYourself
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 11:53:02 +0000

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