GREAT LESSONS! Recently, Ive been confronted with peoples cases - TopicsExpress


GREAT LESSONS! Recently, Ive been confronted with peoples cases that seem to demand more on the side of GIVING than long prayers and prophecy and that made me feel like sharing this. Christianity is a thing of PRINCIPLES and those principles are written in the word of God. Its either you follow them or you might keep stagnated where you are until you are ready to obey God; He cannot change His standard because of you. You just have to follow Him. Dont try to do things your own way and force God to follow you or endorce it. We follow God; not God following us. Let me give you few examples where I think people miss it alot by trying to do it their own way instead of Gods way. *The word of God says by FAITH you shall move mountains (I dont think it says by CRY) So if you find yourself in a critical condition and you loose your faith and keep crying, questioning God and abusing Him, that could be a whole foolish waste of time bcus your tears might not move Him one bit but rather your FAITH should. People seem to think they can make God to act by their own style or system but how wrong they are. We follow what is in the bible NOT what we assume. God has standard and He cant change it bcus of you. God is expecting you to stand strong and speak up with faith into that ugly situation but instead of that, youre crying your eyes out and abusing God thinking it will change anything. How wrong you are. *The word of God says life and death is in the power of the tongue and it also says I have placed before you life and death, choose life and it also says let the weak SAY I am strong and let the poor SAY I am reach. What again do you need to know that the things you say about yourself can hold you in bondage even when you keep praying and fasting for things to get better? How can you say stupid things about yourself and still pray for better life? You have already chosen negativities with your tongue and you still blame God. While I was trying to talk to one of the people I got confronted with their cases recently, she said something like this: SIR, LET US FACE THE FACT, NO MATTER HOW WE TALK ABOUT IT, THE FACT REMAINS THAT MY WORLD IS CRUMBLING. I was so disappointed when she said this but I have this to say: yes, the fact remains that your world is actually crumbling but the truth also remains that you are heading to the top through Jesus Christ and the TRUTH is stronger than the FACT. So TRUTH overides FACT. The word of God says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free; it didnt say you shall know the fact and the fact shall set you free. The word of God says Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH and the Life. So the truth is about Christ. It doesnt matter what the doctor says, hes only saying the FACTS. Wait until the TRUTH manifests. We live by the truth of the word of God not by the facts of the world or sciences. Thats why a simple laying of hands on fibroid can get if off at once. Thats why a simple touch can send goitre and appendicitis packing. Under the rules of FACT its impossible but with the TRUTH its very easy. No wonder the word of God says LET THE WEAK SAY I AM STRONG. The fact is that you are weak but the truth is that the joy of the Lord is your strenght. Can you see how Gods principles are working differently from worldly principles? If you want to serve God, remove your worldly mentality and follow the biblical principles. *For God so loved the world that He GAVE... If God could give His only son because of His love for man and He gave His only son to get more sons, why do you think you shouldnt GIVE to get what you are looking for? God didnt say, I have only one son, so if I give Him how will I get Him back? This calls for a serious attention towards GIVING. If God could apply the principle of giving to get more, who are you to think you can out-smart God? Everybody should learn to be a GIVER. If you like pray from Jerusalem to Jericho and fast from Sokoto to PortHarcourt, if you refuse to be a committed giver, you are on your way to the corridors of POVERTY. God demanded Abraham to give his only son, of course God also gave His only son. Hannah gave Samuel. What have you given so far to God? Do you think you can play smart and use trick on God? Never! The word of God says, give and it shall be given unto you, it didnt say, it shall be given unto you and then you give. No! So no excuse of I dont have No living upright human being has absolutely nothing to give. No one is excusable including pastors and preachers. Its ridiculous to me how some preachers would be very stingy to God and yet preach to their congregation to give. No wonder some ministers have turned themselves into beggers, seem like dragging members between themselves for money bcus they dont practice what they preach to others. BE A GIVER TODAY! LET YOUR SEED SPEAK FOR YOU! -Evangelist Success
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 19:37:16 +0000

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