GREAT SHARING: A GODLY DISCUSSIONS BETWEEN ME AND MY FORMER PASTOR IN SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH. ITS ALL ABOUT GODHEAD.... MY POST: shared Ken Raggios status. It is not merely a mistake to believe that God is three persons. It is flagrant heresy. God is NOT three persons. He is a single eternal invisible indivisible SPIRIT who is both OUR Father, and the Father by conception in Mary of His only begotten and human son, Jesus Christ. In John 8:19, the Pharisees asked Jesus Where is thy Father? In verse 24, He answered, If ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins. It is absolutely essential to understand that the Father God is embodied in the man Jesus Christ. If you dont see that, JESUS said you wont be saved. 1 ShareLikeLike · · Promote · Share Efren Molina, Kareen Vinson and Charmane Balibagoso Leal like this. HIS COMMENT: Nelson Espora Bastareche IF THE TERM FATHER WHICH REFER TO GOD THE FATHER WILL BE DISIGNATED TO THE DEITY OF CHRIST, I CONCLUDE THAT ONENESS THEOLOGY IS A HERESAY... 23 hours ago · Unlike · 1 MY REPLY: Romy B Balibagoso Thanks for sharing noy…. Sagutin nalang kita ng iisang bagsakan kc bihira na ako maka online. ........Here are my exegesis theology, Hermeneutically and rightly dividing the word of truth reply...... Both oneness (one God believers) and trinitarian (one God in three persons) theology share the view that the Son of man is the human side of Jesus Christ. The two are divided where the Son of God is concerned, for trinitarians support the view that Jesus was the Son of God before the incarnation whereas oneness see the Son of God as God incarnate, and this began at Bethlehem. But both hold to the view that the Son of man has to do with the humanity solely,…. so the only logical explanation of the Son of man being in heaven is, Jesus while being the Son of man at the same time was more than that, and that there was a side of Him which was everywhere at the same time, and was visibly in heaven to the angels while men saw the side of Him on earth as the Son of man. …….If your conclusion according to your belief is correct, malamang ang doctrina ng mga apostles of Jesus Christ is wrong…. as ….Paul wrote ….(2nd Corinthians 5:19) states--To wit, that God-(or the Father HIMSELF) was in Christ-(or the Human Body) reconciling the world unto Himself-(ALONE!!!!) Jesus also confirmed that the Father was IN Him.. The Apostles always explaining in their epistles (or letter)….. that Jesus Christ is both God and man. Apostles pretty knows He is the one God incarnate. “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). Ano daw? Slice natin…. “ For in Him (Jesus Christ/Son/Human body) dwelleth (meaning reside) all the fulness of the Godhead (Father, Son, Spirit) bodily” (meaning katawang-tao) short “ang kabooan ng Dios (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) ay nananahan sa katawang tao ni Jesus Christ… Apostles further states that Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, God manifest in flesh, our God and Savior, and the express image of God’s own person (substance) (II Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15; I Timothy 3:16; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 1:3; II Peter 1:1). He is not the incarnation of one of the three person in Trinity, but the incarnation of all the character, quality, and personality of the one God. Always remember that apostles are Jew, ang foundation ng doctrina nila ay Stricto naka base sa Deut 6:4. They are monotheist or one God believers ......... nowhere can be find in the entire Bible na sinabi na ang Dios ay may tatlong persona. Wala din tayong mababasa from Genesis to Revelation na mrong God the Son, ngunit ang lahat na ating mabasa ay “Son of God” and He is Jesus. Wala din tayong mababasa sa Bible na ang Dios Ama ay may “eternal son” ngunit ang mabasa natin ay begotten Son..The Son was never mentioned to be with the Father from the OT times and in OT passages but always spoken in a prophetic anticipation… Your theology does violence to the scriptural position that there is one God the Father, and this opposes the view of one God in three persons, for surely the Father throughout the entire bible is never a composite being. Whatever position you take, it must be in keeping with all scripture, so one God and Father of all, and the same Father who is the only true God in St. John 17:3 makes no room for another definition where a composite unity of persons is concerned. The trouble here is, you want a scriptures which directly mentions Jesus as God the Father, and this you will not find, but how about Jude 4 as well as verse 25,….. for in these verses Jesus is the only Lord God and the only wise God……… In John 17:3, the Father is the only true God, and in 1Cor 8:6 and Eph 4:6 the Father is the one and only God,…. so logically Jesus as God clearly implies He also the Father. There is clear example in these verse, that not only is Jesus the Father, but there is one God the Father, see also the prophecy of Is. 9:6 the Son that be born shall be called “Everlasting Father”. ……there are no examples where there is God in three persons, or where there is “God the Son”, which term is unscriptural. True monotheists have no problem with the concept that Jehovah God, Jehovah Saviour Himself, in the flesh, died on a cross for a sinful humanity that He Himself had created from so much dirt on the ground. But polytheistic belief that teaches God has three persons….tsk tsk…’s big contradiction to the teachings of Apostles regarding the “oneness of God” I have a simple idea to share you about an exegesis and hermeneutically studying the words of God……. Here we comes………There is only one God who only has one name, am right?.... and that one name is the only saving name, Jesus. Agree ka ba? The Bible tell us that the Father IS the Saviour,.. and cant be…. IF He does not have that saving name. kuha mo? Before I end, allow me to leave this questions: again this in not for testing your level,, I pray that God did His part to enlighten you… 1. If the God of the OT is a composite one and not a solitary oneness, then how is this same God defined in the face of Jesus Christ in the NT, for the NT makes Jesus God, and as God He is a solitary one. 2. The two testaments have only one Saviour, so the question is, Whats the numeric definition of this saviour? If in the OT this one Saviour is a composite one, then how is the title defined in the NT in the face of Jesus Christ, who is Himself is the only one Saviour? 3. If your theology have come into conclusion that there are three persons in one God then are you in the position that there are also three omnipresent Spirits of God in the universe? Did God the Father sent another God on earth to be manifested in flesh (1 Tim 3:16)? …… Noy Ptr Nelson Espora Bastareche pls don’t be offended on me, telling you frankly my cousin …Your theology does violence to the scriptural position that there is one God the Father….My conclusion:…. Surely your theology is baseless and unscriptural ..hence its a HERESY the trinity is wrong but the bible is right…shalom….God bless your ministry.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 01:42:09 +0000

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