GREAT TO GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF SÉANCE HERE AT GILBERTS AND ANOTHER STRENGTHENING SHIFT IN THIS MEDIUMS DEVELOPMENT JUNE 28TH 2013 PORTSMOUTH This sacred space is a small sanctuary purpose built only for physical mediumship and associated phenomina that holds 12 people The floor creaks on any movement, and there is NO room to swing anything.. (:- THIS SANCTUARY USES AN ALL IN ONE CURTAIN THAT OPENS ONLY BY TAKING IT UP AND OVER THE TOP OF THE CABINET ….NO SLITS IN THE MIDDLE…. PRE SÉANCE PREPARATION NORMAL SAFE AND PROFESSIONAL PROCEEDURES ENSUED AS ALWAYS So after the mediums 3 hour journey and many travelling from Germany Guernsey and Bournemouth Andover and other UK locations…A lovely group of sitters began to blend, and well I would say, rapport developing…. It has always been the practise to remove shoes, jackets, jewellery, metal of any kind, and to leave behind all electrical equipment and personal belongings. All are frisked and checked with a metal detector. A talk is always given on the expectations of SAFE sitter behaviour. and respect of each other and our spirit friends Whilst disclaimers are always sent out by myself it will now be practise to have A SIGNED DISCLAIMER which each person will engage in with the medium present. PHOTOGRAPHIC ID will always be asked for NOW and a person will NOT be allowed to enter the séance room without the presentation of both of these. An independent check of the seance room is made of its contents, All seats are allocated beforehand subject to energy need, and to the safety of the medium, to have experienced and known sitters at the cabinet is IMO a good idea, even more so after the recent events have shown Warren calls people down in twos and then proceeds to the cabinet where again two chosen people proceed to place the towels around the wrists before the police cables, to prevent skin damage, and cutting as has happened before,THE WIRE CUTTERS TO REMOVE THE POLICE CABLES AT THE END OF THE SEANCE ARE GIVEN TO A PERSON AS FAR AWAY FROM THE CABINET AS POSSIBLE. The mouth gag is put into place, and a pillow slip over his head. All done to promote genuine evidential practise in the sacred space.AND this is what the spirit team wish! Another sitter checks that all is in place. All bulbs are then removed, and the door sealed. All toys musical instruments,table, trumpet and red light are around the cabinet AN OPENING PRAYER IN WELCOME, LOVE, AND THANKS, IS GIVEN…THE CURTAIN IS SHUT DIRECT VOICE An ectoplasmic shift begins as I CALL IT after the first two music tracks request our silence Tom comes forward says hallo and greats everyone laughing to himself.and singing along.He now takes a look at everyone…’as he says’ and in great humour, he welcomes TERESA, a he sees her name on her seat, where may I say her posterioir was secluding the name tag.((:- Clever boy. Breezes begin at my feet PHENOMINA Tom plays drum sticks on the table and a whistle is blown.Once more clap sticks play on the table Australian ones..and the trumpet levitates from the table,over on to my knee. At the same time two drum sticks are played on my feet soooo gently. So three phenomina at the same time.The table now levitates to the ceiling, turning over and twisting as it does so. We are now asked to hold hands, as the trumpet again levitates to the ceiling. Tom asks me to lift the curtain now for 5 minutes of transfiguration,in red light. Many face changes are noted particularly spirit eys and a mandarin soul….none know to any of the sitters. We are now asked to check the medium in red light and the restraints, and the curtain lowered. Tom says he needs to tighten the mediums cable restraints, and asks permission,and proceeds to do so which we hear, we are asked to check the medium again…As the trumpet now elevates this time, it is attached to the fluorescent cord hanging from the ceiling, and ballots up and down to the music….such skill and precision….Tom now sprinkles water around from the bowl under the séance chair, pleasantly received.((:-Again our séance bells are tinkled and breezes ensue around the room…. DIRECT VOICE Yellow feather visits now and greets all as this gentle soul always does, assuring noone is scared re the happenings.He gives us permission to use the hand fans I had placed in the sanctuary if necessay.This fine fellow now tells us that……FULL BODY .MATERIALISATION IN THE LIGHT IS ON ITS WAY SOON…..we all know that spirit time and mortal time are different, but what a lovely prophesy, to work towards We are now asked to put on the red light low. One solid formed hand slips out under the cabinet with a thumb missing this is Yellow feather ALL CAN SEE AND ARE GIVEN PERMISSION TO STAND UP IF NECESSARY..He states that to use the ectoplasm for materialisation on the fluorescent plaque, is not as effective as using this in the light!! WE NOW SEE TWO HANDS APPEAR IN RED LIGHT !! AND THEY CLAP LOUDLY TO SAY THE LEAST…….We are now asked to open the curtains and for the medium to be checked, TANYA WAS ASKED TO FEEL BOTH HANDS AND THE CABLE TIES….firmly in place.Again the curtains are closed and in red light 2 hands appear and clap loudly APPORT Tom asks us if we would like something special. He is shuffling around in the cabinet preparing he says((:- tom talks to yellow feather both talk together and talk to our lovely Claudia, who says this is an amazing experience…Tom tells us he is to give Claudia and apport or two. INSTRUCTIONS ARE GIVEN TO TURN ON THE RED LIGHT AND FOR CLAUDIA TO WALK TOWARDS THE CABINET…AND TO PLACE HER HANDS UNDER THE MEDIUMS CHIN.WE ARE ASKED TO COUNT TO TEN AND THEN TO OPEN THE CURTAIN AND FOR THIS TO BE DONE AS INSTRUCTED. TWO SMALL QUARTZ CRYSTALS ARE EJECTED FROM THE MEDIUMS MOUTH INTO CLAUDIAS HANDS….she is OVERWHELMED ….BLESS HER WE HOPE CLAUDIA WILL PHOTO THESE AND SEND THEM FOR US TO UPLOAD…. DIRECT VOICE FLUORESCENT PLAQUE AND MATERIALISATION Luther now visits in his huge formidable gentle voice. He asks for the fluorescent plaque …again too bright so one towel is removed from the mediums arm to cover and dull this….success ((:-This begins to float in the air and a materialised hand is seen to form, obviously today this is the mode LUTHER prefers ha ha..This then begins to float under my chin so gently again. Many sitters are touched by solid warm spirit hands. Tom asks Tanya to come to the cabinet in front of the red light. He proceeds to hold Tanyas hands and to place his head on her abdomen All visit the cabinet to experience this except for me, next time I say ((:- CLAUDIA AND MARKO OUR TRAVELLERS ARE GIVEN AN EXTRA CUDDLE….Tanya is again asked to check the medium in red light Red light is turned off, and the fluorescent cord is taken up flush to the ceiling.Luther visits again and converses with TOM AND YELLOW FEATHER THREE VOICES TOGETHER…. WINSTON NOW GREATS US, and untangles the cord from the ceiling LITTLE GENTLE ONE SAYS HALLO…Yellow feather proceeds to dance outside of the cabinet and sings along to somewhere over the rainbow.Tom now joins in singing in the middle of the sanctuary.A NEW GUIDE ‘TOUCH THE CLOUD’’ SPEAKS AND SAYS HALLO FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THIS SANCTUARY.Luther is felt to leave the cabinet and to place his hands on NIKKIS HEAD AND SWAYS FROM SIDE TO SIDE ROCKING GENTLY As Tom finds tiny balls in the cabinet I had placed in a box he throws them at everyone We are delighted to be greeted by a soul called HUNTER WHO PROCEEDS TO TELL US THAT SELKIRK MAY ALSO BE KNOWN TO US….HUNTER SELKIRK…. Wonderful….he says TERESA may wish to read about him as they have similarities, and he has been watching her for some time….. PHENOMINA Thank goodness for breezes again Our sanctuary bells and tambourine are played again.Of we go with table again to the ceiling twisting and turning, whilst TO CLICKS HIS FINGERS TO MICHAEL JACKSON TRACK Winston places the table back to the middle of the room as the séance chair cushion from under the medium is removed and placed at the feet of Stewart at the other end of the sanctuaryTOM NOW REMOVES SOCKS FROM GILL AND PLACES THEM IN THE BOWL OF WATER ….HE SAYS HE IS……SPIN DRYING HA.He tells us his medium is becoming busy and is on tour, and says that it is he who has to go in the travel bag lol lol as GHOST HUNTER ((:- Again more phenomina occurred than I can totally remember, but this is enough alone I feel ((:- Yellow Feather says goodbye and Luther thankyou all and God speed.Tom tells us he preparing to levitate the medium a few feet only from the cabinet in the chair.As this is occurring we can hear Tom running around the cabinet.Red light is asked for again…as I close in thanks protection and love we see the medium is half out of the cabinet in the chair, with the cabinet curtain up All in all it amazes me how with a lot of materialisation there is as much energy left STILL to proceed with the phenomina we had, especially at the end of the séance.Wonderful the increased use of red light is being used to the proceedings,at the spirit teams pace, as and when they feel the mediums organism can cope with this. Wonderful to see again as often said, how a smaller intimate environment often produces more powerful phenomina. Thankyou all for coming and to Warren and his spirit team. Some of these sitters after a few sits have become rather fond of these spirit souls….. Bright blessings. Su
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 16:32:39 +0000

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