GREAT TURTLE ISLAND FEDERATION. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING. We are in the process of establishing our own Indigenous nations where we govern ourselves and have our own schools our own hospitals and use our own traditional medicine freely. This is happening already. We are abandoning our Canadian/American identity and being listed as Indigenous people, and issued appropriate International IDs. This is all a result of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People which outlines all of such including our right to economic success and abiding by our traditional values, and Canadas signing in agreement of said article in 2010. We are the Great Turtle Island Federation, from North to South America, and all Indigenous people are reclaiming their lands lost to colonialism. Already several aboriginal tribes have gone to the UN, received recognition, and are now recognized as Sovereign States, such as Cree Country, Mohawk Country, and Anishinabe Country, as seen in the document linked here. More will soon follow. A singular defintion as to what defines who is considered to be indigenous has not been established. However, there are some key characteristics that been identified according to the United Nations & Intenational Labour Organization. These characteristics are; -Indigenous People are descended from the pre-colonial / pre-invasion inhabitants of their region. -Indigenous Peoples maintain a close tie to the land in both cultural and economic practices. -Indigenous People suffer from economic and political marginalization as a minority group -A group is considered Indigenous if it defines itself that way So basically that last point, means regardless of the previous three points, if you consider yourself Indigenous, you are. Its a massive loophole, in conjunction with no set definition by the UN And we are all over it. We have paperwork, we have the Treaties stamped and signed by US Duplication Services straight from the Library of Congress We have documentation of Great Turtle Island Federation and its standing as an IGO (Inter-governmental Organization) which is on EQUAL STANDING with the UNITED NATIONS, EUROPEAN UNION, WORLD BANK, and other IGOs. Any attempt to invalidate our Great Turtle Island Federation IGO, will have to result in the invalidation of these other IGOs as well. No more Federal Reserve. No more Rothschild Central Banks. No more Crown Corporation Monarchy Subjugation. The time is now. Sue Miller, Pete Ramon, Joshua Fulford, Eddy Barahona, Michael Scott Black, William Vandergraaf, Emm Estrella, Martin Trendota, Steph Thefrenchman, Jack Baran, Sandi Hudson, Fish Grow Greens, Julian John Meadows, Marcus Bio-Mechanic DiMarco, Jon Gardella, John Hodgeman, Sean Cairney, Robin Scholfield, Yvonne Graham, Zadie Gray-Bey, Frank Gotz, Chris Foster, Thomas Christopher Hoag, Christopher Wallace, Christian Paquette, Schichica Amy, Amy Strunk, Kern-Hill Furniture Co-op, Don Freeman, Rick Wilson, Douglas Hattendorf
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 17:42:37 +0000

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