GREAT WAR LIVES LOST We died 100 years ago in the War to end all - TopicsExpress


GREAT WAR LIVES LOST We died 100 years ago in the War to end all War Tuesday 9 November 1914 – We Lost 234 To see what additional activity happened today and any previous day in the Great War and who lost their lives 100 years ago on those days visit the website. greatwarliveslost At dawn the Australian and New Zealand convoy alters course to bend around the Cocos Islands, which lays out of sight over the western horizon. Soon many wireless operators in the transports pick up, very loud and clear a short coded signal of a wireless which some of them recognize as Emden’s. The Coco’s Island wireless is heard asking for the code and then telegraphing, “Strange warship approaching”. This comes again, with an “SOS” and then silence. Captain Mortimer Silver at once starts with HMAS Melbourne to make for the Cocos, but immediately afterwards, realizing that his main responsibility is the conduct of the convoy, orders the Sydney to hasten to the assist instead. At 09:30 a wireless message comes from the Sydney that she has sighted the enemy steaming northward. At 10:45 she reports “Am briskly engaging enemy”. Captain John Glossop of the Sydney has with his gunnery officer decided to open fire at 9,500 yards, which he believes to be beyond the Emden’s range. As he closes to 10,500 yards and swings to a parallel course, he sees the enemy open fire and a salvo burst in the sea some 200 yards away, a second salvo lands closer and of the third salvo two shells strike the Sydney. For ten minutes the Sydney races through showers of shell bursts, the Emden firing with speed and accuracy. The Sydney takes longer to find the range and her salvoes are less regular, but her heavier shells soon take their toll. The Emden quickly hit her fifteen times, though only five shells explode. From then onwards she does not score another hit. As the Emden shows signs of suffering the Sydney closes to 5,500 yards and fires a torpedo, which runs short. The Sydney’s 100-pound shells are inflicting much greater damage than the Emden’s 3.8-pounders. The Emden is on fire, two funnels shot down, one ammunition room flooded; the steering gear destroyed and half her crew is disabled. Only one Emden’s of guns is still firing while the Sydney is virtually undamaged. Keeling Island, a northern member of the Cocos group is in sight and Emden’s Captain runs his ship at its highest speed on to the coral reef. At 11:10, Captain Glossop reports “Emden beached and done for”. The Sydney’s hull has been hulled in three places but repairs will be easily carried out. Emden’s casualties amount to 134 killed compared to four of Sydney’ crew. Today’s casualties include: • An Olympic hurdler who held the 440 hurdles world record
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:20:03 +0000

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