GREATER LOVE has NO MAN than this, that a man LAY DOWN HIS LIFE - TopicsExpress


GREATER LOVE has NO MAN than this, that a man LAY DOWN HIS LIFE for his FRIENDS (John 15:13)… This is an AWESOME STATEMENT Jesus makes here because He reveals the DEPTH of God’s LOVE in dealing with us His creation. For while we were yet the ENEMIES of God, He sent His Son Jesus to be our FRIEND. And Jesus PROVED His FRIENDSHIP in that while we were yet ENEMIES of His Father, He CHOSE to be our FRIEND by DYING for US at the CROSS. We, in turn who LOVE God, must also be aware that God’s ENEMIES are also OUR ENEMIES. But because Jesus took on God’s ENEMIES as His FRIENDS, WE too must take on God’s ENEMIES as OUR FRIENDS. And as Jesus DIED for US, His FRIENDS, so that WE could be SAVED, so must WE also DIE to OURSELVES and reach out to the SINNER, the UNGODLY, with the Gospel of SALVATION so that THEY can be SAVED!!! As Jesus has DIED for US to PROVE His FRIENDSHIP, we must DIE to OURSELVES and PROVE OUR FRIENDSHIP to the LOST. For though we aren’t to be friends WITH the WORLD – we ARE to be friends TO the WORLD!!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 02:27:34 +0000

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