GREATER PURPOS For most of us, Father God may have a far - TopicsExpress


GREATER PURPOS For most of us, Father God may have a far greater purpose for our lives than we have been led to believe by the teachings and experiences we have known in our lives thus far. The fresh bright light of the spiritual kingdom life that is being revealed is opening the door for God’s people to enter a life of greater purpose than we have ever even imagined. Lifting our eyes from ourselves to focus on the greater spiritual life in the kingdom of God reality opens the way to greater purpose of life now. For many centuries the gospel and church activity seemed to mostly be about mankind and the fulfillment of our needs – salvation, cleansed from sin, sanctification, set apart, healed, delivered, made a new creation, gifted, empowered and more. God has indeed supplied the potential provision for every need of man. Every spiritual, physical, mental and emotional need of man has been potentially provided for all mankind. I use the word potential because as far as God is concerned it is fully supplied, yet man must willingly receive what God has done to complete the provision. What is God’s purpose for a multitude of redeemed perfected human beings – sons of God on earth? What are we being prepared to be and do? Not having solid true answers to these questions has led mankind to subconsciously esteem ourselves as the focus and primary reason for the marvelous work and provision of full redemption and restoration. Jesus died to save me from hell and take me to heaven. He was beaten for my transgressions and to provide my healing. He arose from the grave and ascended to the throne in heaven to make intercession for me. He returned as a life giving Spirit of Christ in the Holy Spirit to release His life in and through me. He has come that I might have life more abundantly. Anytime that I call on God He will answer. God loves me and if I were the only person in the world He would have done it all for me. The question is why, why this costly wonderful provision for the transformation of man from a weak and sin cursed being into a powerful and blessed spiritual being in a natural human body? What is the purpose of this magnificent work and provision of redemption and restoration of man? Does God have a higher purpose for man on earth now as well as becoming fit citizens of heaven someday? Certainly these truths viewed alone could make one think that it is all about us. He did it all just for us because He loves us. Yes, but that is not the end of what God is doing on planet earth. We are prepared for a valuable purpose beyond ourselves. Certainly it is truth that God loves us and has given us all that we need to become all that He desires us to be and do. As the children of God becoming mature sons of God and the Bride of Christ, the wife part of the God family on earth, we are very blessed to become one with Him and a part of the work of God on earth with Him. Thus our purpose in life becomes fulfilling God’s purpose. We are here for Him and His purposes and not our own. We were saved, cleansed, purified and made whole for His purposes. We have no real life apart from Him. To be separated from His purpose in us is to walk in spiritual death while physically alive in this life on earth. It is truly not all about us and our having the most possible pleasure now and going to heaven when we die. God has a purpose for mankind. All of His provision and preparation is for the accomplishment of a mighty work with God in this life. The big overall question now becomes, what is God’s purpose for mankind? The second and more personal question is what God’s purpose is for me and my life and how do I fit into His plan and purpose for mankind? A non-exhaustive look at some of the general aspects of God’s purpose for man will reveal that there are two major directions of man’s part and purpose. One is toward God and the second is toward His creation. The allegorical symbolic terms used in the Bible for God’s people may shed some light on our purpose. For example, the terms “bride or wife” and others may speak of purpose toward God. They speak of the intimate oneness relationship with God for which we were created. This includes things like worshiping Him, honoring Him, fellowshipping and intimately communing with Him – becoming one with Him. While terms like “sons” or “army” and others speak of purpose of God toward His creation. They speak of the purpose of God to manage or care for His creation on Planet Earth, a job for which we were created. This can be seen in every endeavor that meets the needs of mankind and the world around us. People are a part of His creation along with all else in the natural world. Our purpose can also be seen in the love that fulfills the ways, desires or laws of God. Jesus said it all was wrapped up in two commandments, to love God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself (Mat 22: 37-40). Love toward God and love toward mankind God’s created people. We are designed to love God and to love His creation including people and the created things around us that He loves. Love always serves. Our designed purpose is to serve God by loving Him and love Him by serving His people and the world around us. Whatever work, ministry or occupation we are given in life is for the purpose of serving God by serving His people. The more we serve the more successful we are. God’s plan is not for us to work to get what we need and want. Rather it is to work to serve God by meeting needs of others and His creation around us. The better job we do the more he will give to us to manage for Him. God’s first purpose of our job, business or ministry it to meet the needs of mankind and the world around us. A Sly Trick of the Merchandiser The first trick of the enemy is to make people believe that it is all about us, and that we work to get for ourselves. Self-centered life is a very empty way of shallow purpose and lack of abundant life. Secularism teaches that it is about me, and that is all up to me. Another very cunning trick is propagated through religion. Religion sets something up as a system for people to serve as if it were God. The system takes on a life of its own and soon even those who set it up are serving the system more than they serve God. People are often led to believe that when they serve the system set up by men that they are serving God. The system and a few who control it can become wealthy while the people may eventually become frustrated and disappointed. They thought they were serving God but were only serving a system set up by men, and there is little or no life produced from their giving themselves and their money to serve the system. Serve God not a system. Large amounts of money are given into systems that do some good but mostly pay large salaries to a few leaders and build elaborate buildings and other facilities or monuments that require more money for operational expenses and maintenance. Huge amounts of funds are consumed or tied up and unavailable. This robs God and His people of what could have been used to truly build the kingdom of God in His people. Fat “church” systems can lead to a hungry kingdom of God, His people. There is no more exciting and rewarding life than a life filled by God and used of God for His glorious purpose in this life. God has gifted and prepared us for the place of serving Him by becoming one with Him and allowing Him to live in us establishing His kingdom rule of love on earth as it is in heaven. Whether you are used in kingdom business or kingdom ministry His love, power and wisdom will guide and empower you to greater purposes than anything the secular or religious world can offer. There is no loss in giving our all to Him to be and do all He desires in this life. Now is the time to seek His greater kingdom purpose for our lives. To wait or postpone responding to His calling for our lives is to say no to the greater purpose of God in our lives. To say a full-out hearty yes to God can begin the greater purpose of our lives here on earth. Eternal life begins now and is a quality of life as well as a quantity of life. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit - Rom 5:25. Ron Blessings Trevor
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:10:35 +0000

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