GREATER WORKS? Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me - TopicsExpress


GREATER WORKS? Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12 I have heard many pastors claim that we need an outpouring of the Spirit so that we can do greater works than Jesus. But is that what Jesus meant by greater works? Did Jesus intend to say that if we believe in him we will do greater miracles, signs, and wonders than Jesus did? If that is true then we can only come to one conclusion; Jesus is a liar, or there is not one Christian today who truly believes in Jesus. Despite what Pentecostals or Charismatics claim regarding the continuation of spiritual gifts the reality is that we do not see these greater works. Its really a simple argument. Just show me one Christian today who has done the following: 1. Raised someone from the dead who has been in the grave for 5 days. (Lazarus was in the grave for 4 so 5 would be greater) 2. Show me a Christian who has walked on water across a lake, or better yet across the ocean as that would be greater. 3. Show me a Christian who has healed Downs Syndrome or a person born with no arms or missing limbs. If we are to do greater surely growing a limb would be greater than anything Jesus has done. 4. Show me a Christian who has fed 10.000 people with a fish sandwich. If Jesus fed 5000 with a few fish and loaves surely a Christian that believes in him can feed 10,000 with a Mcdonalds fish sandwich for that would be far greater. I have not seen one miracle in my 20+ years of being part of the Charismatic circle. I have heard people making great claims but never saw one verifiable healing (no I am not speaking of cancer, headaches, backpain, etc). Cancer comes and goes and I know of atheists who have had cancer and are cancer free. I mean a real, verifiable miracle as mentioned above. And I dont want to hear about some remove village in Africa where some missionary is raising people from the dead and walking on water. Surely there must be another meaning greater works than these. Thankfully there is: https://youtube/watch?v=FP4HOueCRVQ
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 12:42:53 +0000

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