GREATEST LESSONS @ Chukwu Ifeanyi Nkemakolam, 30th December, - TopicsExpress


GREATEST LESSONS @ Chukwu Ifeanyi Nkemakolam, 30th December, 2014 N.B: PLEASE DON’T READ THIS MESSAGE IF YOU WON’T SEND IT TO SOME ELSE It’s been a while I wrote to you on this medium and now the year is fading. It could have been as a result of busy schedules, travels, conferences, researches and most importantly adventures. But I will avail the opportunity of the few remaining hours of this year to point your attention to certain truths that may help you. I don’t assume you should believe everything I say to you, please don’t but fly high in the truths you collide with. 1. Everything about you is history to God, so why try to depend on yourself rather than on him to succeed. 2. Forget your past because no matter how much you spend or how many times you visit it, there is no future in the past. Yesterday was once a today but you need today to correct yesterday and today to create your tomorrow. 3. You can never rise above what you think of yourself. Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions and actions leads to results. 4. Good character gives a magnetic personality but avoid envy, greed, gossip, unforgiveness and anger. Anger is the poison you take hoping that the next person dies. I pity you! 5. Learn when to say yes or no. I mean tell yourself the truth. You don’t need everyone in your life. Know when a person’s time in your life is over because when the wrong people leave your life the right things starts happening. My friend you can’t afford to carry people like a bag of wheat and in turn they hold you like a pinch of salt. For me I don’t have a lot of friends, but a lot of people just know me. 6. Be generous. Be a good giver and a good receiver – that’s balance. But don’t ever believe you give anything to God or anyone because God doesn’t need you for anything but you need him for everything. For the person beside you, his needs could still be met by another medium if not you. So each time you give or receive, it is for your advantage and multiplication. If you don’t give you won’t receive – it’s not a myth be warned! 7. Promote yourself. This is where I want you to peach your tent because most of us resent promotion. Resenting promotion often could be as a result of first, bad experiences had in the past with people promoting to you inappropriately. Second, you may have had a disappointing occurrence when you tried to sell something to someone and that person rejected you. Remember the past doesn’t equal the future, so that’s not enough to decline. Thirdly, it may come from past parental influence that you can never be successful by doing what you dream of in life. Many of us were told that it’s impolite or pride to ‘toot your own horn’. Well, that’s great if you make a living as Miss Manners. But in the real world; ministry, business, career, etc, if you don’t toot yourself nobody will. Finally, the high and mighty attitude, the feeling that if people want what you have, they should somehow find and come to you. I laugh! People who have this mentality are often broke or soon will be, it is sure. They can hope that everyone’s going to scout the land for them but that’s impossible because the market place is crowded with products and services, even though theirs may be the best, no one will ever know that because they are too snooty to tell anyone. I guess you are familiar with the saying ‘build a better mousetrap and the whole world will be at a path to your door. Well, that’s only true if you add five words to it; ‘if they know about it’. Promoting one’s self and business (gift, skill, talent, vocation, etc) is nothing more than packaging. That makes the difference between the rich and the poor. You may say I really do not want to be rich or too rich; I just want to be comfortable. Being middle classed is cancerous, unclassified and baseless. It is either you are rich or you are poor. Being comfortable is simply an act of having an average out of everything in life, yet in lack but in the midst of unlimited resources and wealth. It is better to focus on being rich and perhaps end up in comfort but If all you aim is just to have a comfortable life be assured that you may or may likely end up in poverty. One reason people never get rich especially those of this category is that they don’t ‘create their life’; they believe that ‘life happens to them’. If you fail to create your life then you would embrace the blame, justification or complaining game. When it comes to why people are not successful, most people are professionals at the blame game. They blame the economy, the government, the stock market, their broker, their type of business, their employer, the head office, they blame their up-line or down-lines, the customer service, their partner, and they blame God and always their parents. It’s always someone else or something that’s to blame. If these victims aren’t blaming they are often justifying their status by saying something like ‘money is not important’. What a crock? Let me ask you this question, would you have a Television, a House, a Car or a relationship if it’s not important to you. This saying is ludicrous and those who usually justify this believe are usually broke or close to, yes or yes? It is hogwash to believe money isn’t important. Money is extremely important in the areas in which it works, and extremely unimportant in the areas which it doesn’t says T. Harv Eker, a multimillionaire and the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Bluntly; anyone who says money isn’t important is broke and a sort of an extremist. So the next time you hear this statement next door you’re sure to predict the next broke fellow beside you. If the victims don’t justify they complain. Complaining is the worst possible thing you could do for you to succeed. Why? Complainers focus on negativities and by the law of the universe what you focus on expends; therefore they expand and multiply negativities which often leave them to tough times, a lot of it. Complaining sometimes may lures us to compare or even resent successful and rich people. Have you ever noticed people who get uneasy when rich people pass around them? They try to condemn them, if they don’t complain the money is stolen, fraud or ill-gotten, they complain that they are wasters, or that they are bad or evil people, etc. It is only poor people who complain of wasting money, because as long as money satisfies a need it’s not a waste. If you need anything and you can afford it, then you are not wasting money. Again, successful and rich people are the nicest creatures I have ever met; most of them are really noble and humble. Go to the Golf arenas, the country clubs, etc, you would find out the truth for yourself. Don’t be a judge from a stance. They are the biggest donors to charity, orphanages, NGOs, to cure polios, etc. A friend of mine just gave to charity about $USD50, 000, just like that, as his Christmas gift. That is a least in his numerous contributions. They are numerous people like him all over the world today, you can Google it. Some other people think being rich makes you bad or vulnerable to do evil things. They are mistaken by the stories they have heard or guided by their past experiences with some greedy comfortable Uncles in their families, or even their neighbors. Money or wealth can never make you bad. Money only makes you more of what you already are. If you are kind, money makes kinder, if you are good money makes you best but if you are greedy and selfish, it makes you more of that. It is folly to resent successful but rich people because what you hate can never come to you. All things come to you by love. Love is the force that compels the abundance and goodness of the universe to us. So if you fail to love a successful or a rich person, you can never be rich. If you see a successful people be happy and wish them well, so as to plant the seed of greatness and attract wealth to yourself. Though it’s not easy because we are all guilty, including me – that’s our nature but you must try, so as to become successful and rich too. In this coming year 2015, I want to encourage you to make good changes as regards financial fortunes. Resolve to package and promote yourself, whether in ministry, business, career, vocations, lifestyle, etc. in the past should be the habit of not eating what you desire or want because of the price tag especially when you enter a restaurant or a supermarket. Next time you walk into a fast food don’t look at the price tag session just place your order and feel good that you are getting what you want – it is a rise into fortune, thinking and living the rich principles. I don’t mean borrowing to impress some folks, that’s not the idea. People who have a problem with promotion don’t really have full confidence and believe in themselves, their products and services. If you believe that what you have to offer in this coming year and beyond can truly assist people, it is your duty to let as many people as possible to know about it. In this way, you not only help people. You get rich! Remember to preach this financial gospel to all your families, friends and foes. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… If you have questions, directions or enquiries send emails to chukwuifeanyin@gmail
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 16:48:48 +0000

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