.. GREEN CALLS FOR LIVE TV DEBATE ON WHO SHOULD GOVERN RANGERS DEFIANT Charles Green yesterday challenged rivals for Rangers to a TV debate in front of fans to reveal who should run Ibrox. Embattled power broker Green insists a US presidential-style showdown would torpedo bidders vying to oust directors and take charge. He said: “We should let the fans ask questions and get their answers because they’re the group in the middle of all this and they’re not to be underestimated. “There are a lot of shareholders supporting me and there are others who don’t. “However, there will be a large number undecided which is why a presidential-style debate should happen in front of a selection of fans and be screened on Rangers TV. “It’ll put us all on the spot. I’ve got nothing to hide, I’ve never had anything to hide.” Green, who was not at Ibrox to see Rangers beat Brechin 4-1 yesterday, threw down the gauntlet to former director Paul Murray, ex-chairman Malcolm Murray and tycoon Jim McColl. He also invited financial expert Frank Blin to attend the TV debate. They are key figures in a consortium trying to force out CEO Craig Mather and directors Brian Stockbridge and Brian Smart. They need 51 per cent of shareholders’ support at an EGM to force through their proposals. Green also said Dave King, who invested £20million in Rangers before last year’s liquidation, was welcome to join the debate. King warned last week that the club was in danger of going into administration by Christmas unless Green lowered the asking price for his shares. The blunt Yorkshireman had asked McColl to pay him £14million for a 28 per cent stake in the club or leave him alone. McColl reacted furiously, saying the club could be saved from another financial disaster without lining Green’s pockets. Yesterday, Green told the Sunday Mail he will be in London this week meeting with investors and establishing who they support in the Ibrox power struggle. He added: “I think we need a televised debate and get myself, Paul Murray, Jim McColl and Frank Blin to ask each other questions in front of fans and give their vision for the club. “Dave King can come as well. I’ve got respect for Dave because he wrote a £20million cheque for the club and all he got was a blazer and a tie. “I’ll be London next week to meet investors and institutions to see what their mood is. Next week is going to be huge. “By a week on Monday, the lines will be clearly drawn and everyone will know who’s supporting who. “We’ll find out very shortly if they’ve got enough votes to force these changes through – I’m convinced they don’t.” Green also rubbished King’s claims that the club is in danger of slipping back into administration. Finance director Stockbridge revealed at a meeting with fans on Thursday that the club had £10million in the bank, but Green said the club’s accounts, which will be published within the next six weeks, will detail how their cash has been spent and prove they have enough in reserve. And he told fans, who were vehemently critical of him at last week’s summit, that Rangers would never run out of cash while he was a shareholder. He added: “I could raise £10million for Rangers tomorrow but the club don’t need it.” Green left Rangers as CEO in April after he was accused of being linked to shamed former owner Craig Whyte. But an investigation cleared him of being associated with the entrepreneur. He returned to the club after the board voted to have him back as a consultant to attempt to fend off McColl’s consortium. Green scotched claims he was receiving a £300,000 salary and said his fee was £1000 a month, which he planned to donate to charity – if he was there long enough. Gers chief executive Mather said at the meeting on Thursday that the directors would reconsider Green’s role after the fans’ backlash. But Green added: “It was the club’s lawyers who said some money should change hands. I didn’t come back for the money or self-interest. I came back to protect the club from pirates and bandits. “The people in this consortium want the prestige of running Rangers but don’t want the pain of signing cheques. People bought into Rangers because they believed in my vision for the club, now others want to force their way in without paying a penny. “How dare they try to force out Craig Mather who invested £1million. I can’t let that happen.” Paul Murray yesterday said he would relish the opportunity to debate the future of Rangers with Green in front of fans and the cameras. He added: “As you know, we have called for a general meeting at the request of the shareholders. “They are the ones who will decide what happens here. Charles Green is only one shareholder. Having said that, we’d be happy to debate the issues with him in public. “Perhaps we should wait, however, until we see whether the Rangers board follow through on their promise to remove Charles next week.” Last week, Green provoked an outburst from Rangers boss Ally McCoist after he said the manager needed to win the league and a cup. The team lost their League Cup tie against Forfar Athletic 24 hours later. McCoist blamed Green for the slump and branded him “devious” and an “embarrassment”. Green yesterday defended his comments but said he didn’t try to undermine McCoist. He said: “Ally’s entitled to his opinion. What he had to put up with last year was a disaster. But this year he’s had a chance. There are new players, they’ve had a pre-season and they played very well against Newcastle. “I made the point Ally needed to win the league because that’s what’s expected and he needs to win a cup. But if he thinks I’m devious and an embarrassment, I don’t agree.” ....peter
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 16:20:13 +0000

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