GREENS LEADER NICK MCKIM & LABOR LEADER BILL SHORTEN: EPIC FAIL ON SCHOOL FUNDING Media Release by Education Minister Christopher Pyne: Shorten’s shocker of a school funding mess The Leader of the Opposition and former Minister for Education, Bill Shorten fully owns the school funding mess he created. The Coalition will honour our election commitments in full including matching the funding for school education over the forward estimates. Bill Shorten has created a colossal funding mess for the Coalition Government to sort through and we will calmly and methodically do so in order to be able to pay schools in 2014. Mr Shorten claimed to have signed up systemic Catholic Schools, but in fact their Memorandum of Understanding was unsigned. This was confirmed by Ross Fox, head of the National Catholic Education Commission. Mr Shorten claimed to have signed up Tasmania and Victoria, but no bilateral agreement was finalised nor were implementation plans agreed. Today the Tasmanian Minister for Education, Nick McKim confirmed his state did not fully sign up to the new model. Labor has claimed to have introduced a nationally consistent funding model, but it only applies to independent schools that are not in a system, representing less than 10 per cent of schools. State Governments and the Catholic school sector can redistribute funding as they see fit within their jurisdictions and schools. The truth is there is no national school funding model, there is a different model, different levels of indexation and different contributions for each state and territory.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 08:09:34 +0000

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