GREENS’ POLICY BLUNDER ON DEER MANAGEMENT January 22nd, 2015 Media release Australian Deer Association Australia’s peak deer hunting body has slammed a policy by the NSW Greens to have wild deer declared a pest species. Australian Deer Association NSW president David Byrnes said if the Greens were genuinely interested in deer management, they would be engaging with licensed deer hunters who are ready, willing and able to assist government and landowners manage deer numbers. “To propose a policy which essentially advocates wiping out deer is completely out of step with proper management programs and strategies, particularly when there is no scientific evidence that deer are a key threatening process. “Licensed hunters are the single most effective resource available for managing deer numbers – not a policy that allows for large-scale eradication.” Mr Byrnes said declaring a never-ending open season on deer would have a serious economic impact on NSW. “A University of Queensland report published in the CSIRO journal ‘Nature’ last year reported that hunting contributes over $1billion per year to the Australian economy. “Further, a report tabled in the New South Wales Parliament in 2012 revealed that Forests NSW were saving around $2.4 million a year through the efforts of volunteer hunters in State Forests. “In Victoria, where regulated game hunting is well established, the government reports that hunting contributes in excess of $430 million to the local economy annually. “It is completely counter-intuitive to be trying to alienate the only financially viable means available of managing wild deer. Hunters make a significant contribution to the economy, and they are already helping to manage deer numbers on private and public land in many states – it is a win-win. “New South Wales hunters have proven themselves to be responsible and effective managers of wild deer. If people are serious about addressing issues with deer they should be working with us, not dreaming up ridiculous policies. “The ADA does not want to see sound management practices passed aside because of an inner-city based party’s ideological prejudice against hunting,” Mr Byrnes said. -ends-
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:21:08 +0000

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