GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS Followers of Truth and Nonsense. I , - TopicsExpress


GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS Followers of Truth and Nonsense. I , Madame Zucchini will search the glass Orb for your benefit, guiding you along your chosen path. The SIGN OF THE SPIDER: Gazing into the globe I see all, and nothing but Truth and Nonsense will pass my lips. It is the code of which I live and nothing can restrain me. You are a child of the Universe. You seek thrills and chills. You dream of jumping out of perfectly good Airplanes. You own 3 different sizes of trampolines. Shun all who cuss and spit. Do not litter. Wear Orange and Brown throughout the following week. Heed my words. The SIGN OF THE SHOES: The Orb is cloudy this eventide. I perceive anxiousness of mind. Stay clear of unstable persons, furniture and tectonic plates. Cover yourself in fine perfumes and tulle. Never dance where birds have left their droppings. Cover your head as the North Wind begins to blow. The slow dance of the Earth is constant as should be your affections. The SIGN OF THE PUMPKIN: Ahhhh...Yes, MZ sees clearly your sign in the glass. You search diligently on PINTEREST. Try new crafts and recipes to delight all you hold dear. Seek Soups with PUMPKIN as its base. Sage and Thyme with sautéed onion will satisfy, and garnish w/unsweetened whipped cream. Wear Aprons embellished with Skeletons and never throw perfectly good food at your Husband. The SIGN OF THE DONKEY: Your Weekend was full of activity. I see that you found yourself in a CORN MAZE with friends and associates. You showed shallow chivalry by pushing small children out of your unknown pathway so that you could be first to finish. MZ Sees all. Oh, Equs Asinus. Attempt this day to reconcile all evil thoughts. Wear Black. Shun Glitter. Burn all Ties that have PORKY PIG on them. The SIGN OF THE HAT: I peer into the globe and see within. You delight in Coupons of assorted Eateries. You choose all shades of Autumn to adorn yourself. You find others seeking your advice this 48 hour period. Be Truthful. Be Kind. Remember this PEARL: Walk steadily upon your appointed pathway, As the Sand in the Hourglass, these are the days of your life. The Glass has gone Dark until tomorrow at Eventide. MZ
Posted on: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 23:44:43 +0000

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