GREETINGS FROM UBUNTU NAMIBIA !! WE ARE HERE !! Our desire here on earth is Ubuntu - I am because you are - for all mankind and all livelihood... To discover abundance, lavishness and generosity. These have been germinated by the Consciousness and Enlightenment of Higher Truth, through the words you hear, in languages spoken, in subjects you were taught in school, in pictures you see every day, in all books you read every day, in all belief, in all field of professionalism/ career occupation. We hereby STAND to bring about Change, Unity and the ultimate LOVE. We have been led and we follow, but our minds and God-feeling tells us is not right and neither correct. We do see and feel that something is wrong. We are drowning in the ignorance we are led into. We are taught so much of the system of mind control and are controlled in all walks of life. We are told to beLIEve without questioning any further, and these instructions to us do not reflect our God-feeling. We see nothing solving the problems on this planet, only living beings and the true spirit which is within all that is true and real. Control of peoples minds by politicians for their own benefit should be thrown out, for it does not do Good for all people. People work for money to survive. People have no land for survival. The banks are controlling people with fiat paper money. Fiat = fiction currency Now is obsolete. We need no longer enslave one another. Let every Human Being be educated and be knowledgeable, and be capable and be creative. We all have minds and we are all equal before our Creator of All. There should be no price attached on knowledge which we all possess. Everything is valued equally - NO ONE IS MORE SPECIAL THAN THE OTHER. WE ARE ALL EQUAL and we all deserve Truth, Enlightenment and High Consciousness in pleasing The Creator of All. UBUNTU NAMIBIA. Wake up Namibia !! - by Ubuntu Namibia 15-11-14
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 12:37:51 +0000

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