GREETINGS IN CHRIST✞JESUS PRECIOUS NAME. Father God thank (¯`✫´¯) You for favor of life today. No matter Who OR What today brings -`•.✞.•`Lord, WE are BLESSED! and thank You Abba, Father God for this beautiful BLESS morning that You have allowed Us to see. As I Reflect and Remember with a thankful and Grateful heart; Your Sons Birth. Your love sacrificed of Your only Son, Jesus His Blood poured out roe us on Calvary Cross thank You for the Gift of Eternal Life with You in Heaven. Jesus, You are my hearts desire. You are all that I need and all that I am. Bless Us O Lord, Our Lovedones, Our Families, guide and protect Our Children and Youths, my church Shepherd Of The Hills Campuses its Pastors and Staffs, bless other Churches preaching Your message, from Your Word, Our Friends and Others. Give Us wisdom to work diligently in prayer for Others and as You; Holy Spirit lead Us, to wrestle earnestly in on their behalves. Lord place special burdens on Our hearts, and give Us the desire and enable Us to pour out Our hearts love for You to fulfill Your purposes. Lord Give Us wisdom, knowledge, understanding and the desire to hear and know Your voice; not to compromise Your way, but follow Your truth as We read and study Your Word; it reveals how You love and care for Us, Gives Us Your comfort, peace and security. Help and strengthen Our faith Lord, especially in these trying times; to do those things which are pleasing in Your sight that will brings honor and glory to You. You are the prize that We want and need; it is You I will continually strive daily to seek. Through all my challenges Abba, I am greatly reminded to let prayer be my lifestyle, and not something I do only when I am in need. Lord, as I read, see and hear of the needs of Your children, I come to You asking for healing for an end to cancer and that it would be wiped from this earth. Please help and comfort all who suffers from it. I also ask that you would help those who are afflicted with heart problems, high B/P, Diabetes and so many more. Father, please hear Our cries as We call upon You and thank You for answered prayers. Father We thank You for Your mercy Especially for those who are HURTING, SUFFERING Cancer and other devastating illnesses, The many who are and or maybe without HOPE; We pray Father in Jesus Name for the leaders who are shaping this Nations Government that they would use godly principles to reign in America once again and We are praying that countless others will begin to Pray daily for *Our Youths *Our Nation *For the economy *For the Supreme Court * For the Educational system *For National protection/security *For the military *For all countries that are working for the common good of mankind and living under the thought IN #GOD WE TRUST, #AND ONE NATION UNDER GOD *And so many more! Jude 1:- 24 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy 25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. Abba, Give Us the desire to share BOLDLY; Your Gospel of Jesus Christ. Lord give Us Your guidance to build Your Kingdom and better relationships with all Your children so as to move in ways that reflect You, Your love, Your faithfulness and ALL that You Represents thus shinning Your Light in the Dark areas of this world. Praying for Pastors who are Gospel teachers/preachers for Your will to continue Your anointing and blessings on them and their families. Father please convict and open the eyes and hearts of those are using Your Name to benefit themselves to get rich and help them to stop, confess and return to the pledge they took to Serve, lead and teach Your sheep in the Way that leads to You Lord, my prayer through Your Son, Jesus the Christ, Amen. H A L L E L U Y A H!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 03:54:42 +0000

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