GREETINGS and WELCOME BACK to Lena & Johns Really Rockin Reading. - TopicsExpress


GREETINGS and WELCOME BACK to Lena & Johns Really Rockin Reading. As promised, today we bring you our fiercely, rockingly talented guest, Mr. SPALDING GRAY. Weve done our blessings and drawn 9 cards and without further adieu … WELCOME, SPALDING! SPALDING: Okay, John. Lena. We know what this is gonna be about already so Im just gonna lower the boom, as it were. Lena: Good god... John: Cheers, good man! Take it away, I say! SPALDING: Okay. Now you can look at this as TOUGH LOVE, or however you want. But heres the story. THE MAGICIAN is our first card. I am gonna have to hypnotize Lena AND John because they have been employing some negative habits lately. Shall I list them, my dears? Lena: Go ahead, you know youre gonna anyway. SPALDING: Okay. First one out of the gate. After 12 years of NOT SMOKING, Lena has begun smoking again. And smoking with a vengeance. And John has been egging her on, because he smokes like a fiend. In fact, hes dying for one right now. (SIX of CUPS) Hes trying to get her to go light up RIGHT NOW as I speak. This is how insidious this thing is. Lena: So how are you going to hypnotize me? SPALDING: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Let me finish. (THE HANGING MAN). Aside from the smoking, you are eating way too much dairy. And drinking more than your one cup of coffee a day, too. AND … SUGAR. Youve tapered off lately, but John had you eating ice cream every day a couple of weeks back. So heres the thing. You stopped the sugar, which is great. You did that on your own. We all have the power to do this stuff (TEMPERANCE) but its difficult hanging around someone who tempts you. I know of which I speak. Now, John... John: Here it comes. SPALDING: You know better. At least one would HOPE that you do. You have a very powerful mind and the power of suggestion can be very overwhelming, especially for someone like Lena who needs very little coercion. She LOVES to smoke. She LOVES cheese. And you know that, and you still keep planting those cravings firmly into place. Not nice, John. (DEATH card) Are you trying to kill her? John: Ill do better. I promise. I want my Lena to be healthy. Im sorry. (pouts) SPALDING: Very good, I believe you. TWO of WANDS is TEAMWORK and also moderation. Lena can enjoy these things, but just in MODERATION. (STRENGTH) I know that the two of you can do this thing, I just know it. Lena: Even smoking? You think I can smoke in moderation? SPALDING: I believe that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. Now YOU just have to believe it, honey. (NINE of SWORDS) Dont worry about it all, just DO it. Or DONT do it. Youre going shopping today. Steer clear of the dairy case. Get those nice apples you like, thats perfect for a sugar fix. And hey, if you want a ciggy here and there, SPACE THEM OUT. John is a chain-smoker. Thats just ridiculous. No need for that. So our final card is the THREE of CUPS. And this is good news, because you can STILL enjoy Happy Hour, my personal favorite. You love your wine, I know that. So enjoy a couple of glasses at the end of the day, play your piano and have some wine like you like to do. Lena: Well, heres my question, Spalding. And I have to tell you I am feeling stronger already. I have no desire for a cigarette right now and when we began this reading, I wanted one very much...what is the best tool for quitting smoking or cutting down? SPALDING: BREATHING. Simple as that. When the craving hits you, TAKE 10 DEEP BREATHS before succumbing to lighting up. Fill those lungs to maximum capacity and let it out slowly with each breath. Even if you eventually DO light up, you will have put it off for a little while at least and you will have also had the opportunity to FEEL HOW BEAUTIFUL your lungs are, and how beautiful the AIR is that fills those lungs. The extra oxygen will energize you, charge your cells and clear your head. And remember: One day at a time. Rome was not built in a day. And dont forget, if you quit for 12 years you can most certainly do it again if you truly WANT to. John: Thank you, Spalding! You are a wonderful man and friend. WE LOVE YOU, DONT WE LENA? Lena: Yes we adore him. Thank you so much, Spalding. SPALDING: My pleasure. Ill be back, Im keeping tabs on you two, okay? L & J: YES SIR! Alright! Quite the reading indeed. Well see you here tomorrow. LOVE! Lena, John & Spalding
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 12:22:20 +0000

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