GRIEVIOUS MISTAKES DURING JANAAZAH PART 2. --HOW TO OBSERVE SOLAATUL JANAAZAH. All perfect praise and adorations be to Allaah; We beseech His most adoring peace and blessings upon the noblest of mankind(sollallaahu alayhi wasallam). ITS HUKMU: The hukmu of solaatul Janaazah is fardu kifaaya. So; we must understand inclusively that the washing the deceased; shrouding him/her; prayer observed on the deceased; carrying the deceased and placing the deceased in the grave are all fardu kiyaafa(collective duty). So this means that when a group of muslims who are well knowledgeable about the ahakaam of Janaazah have stood firm to carry it out for a deceased then there is no harm upon the rest of the muslims. We must however also understand that we must be quick(following the correct established manners of Janaazah) in carrying out the Janaazah of the muslims as established in the hadeeth of Aboo Hurayrah reported by Imaam Bukhaari and Muslim that the Prophet said: Be quick with the Janaazah; for if the deceased is a righteous one; you will be taking him to a good destination; and if he/she is different from this(an evil soul); then his/her evil deeds(due for punishment) are on your shoulders. ITS KAYFIYYA: Firstly; Solaatul Janaazah requires that those who are to engage in it are in purified state either from Hadathul Kubra(Bigger filth) like state of Junuub or Hadathu ssugra(smaller filth) like urine; feaces e.t.c as it is indeed a type of solaat which requires purification and the Prophet said as reported from Aboo Hurayrah by Muslim and others that: There is no solaat for the one that posseses filth until he/she performs wudoo. Also in the hadeeth of Ibn Umar reported by Muslim; Aboo Daawud and others that the Prophet said: There is no solaat without purification. Secondly; the deceased after shrouding should placed facing qibla on a neat soil surface. Meanwhile; the solaatul Janaazah could also be observed upon the deceased in the mosjid as established in the hadeeth of Aaisha(rodiyallaahu anha). Imaam Muslim reported from Aaisha that the Prophet prayed upon the two sons(Sahl and Suhayl) of Baydaa Daad bint Al-Juhdum in the mosjid. Thirdly; the rows should be formed in threes as established in many books of ahaadeeth. And if space is not wide enough; then the rows should be in odd number. The one to lead this solaat is recommended to supervise this. Fourthly; the one to lead the solaat is recommended in the shareea to stand at the middle region of the female deceased and at the head region of the deceased male as established in the hadeeth of Samura bn Jundub reported by Imaam Bukhaari and Muslim that he said: I prayed behind the Prophet(in a solaatul Janaazah) on a woman who had died in child birth and the Prophet(sollallaahu alayhi wasallam) stood in the middle region of her body. On the fifth note; the Imaam leading the solaatul Janaazah should start by saying the takbeer Allaahu Akbar raising the hands in the process. And thereafter placing the hands on the chest region after the raising of the hands. Meanwhile; those behind should follow up with the Imaam as well by doing all that we shall list here inshaa Allaah. Then the Imaam should make Istiaadha(i.e Auudhubillaah mino shaytaani rrajeem); then Basmallaah(i.e Bismillaahi rrahmaani rraheem); thereafter he should recite suuratul Faatiha. We should note that all these listed should be done silently(with the tongues reciting but silently). There is however no bowing nor prostration invloved in solaatul Janaazah. It is a solaat observed on the Qiyaam(standing position) alone. Consequently; the Imaam should make a second pronouncement of takbeer(some of the Ulaama say with raising the hands while some others say without raising the hands); he should then recite solaatul Ibrahimiyya(This dhikr is well known amongst the muslims). He should then pronounce the third takbeer and make dua for the deceased(i.e seek Allaahs forgiveness; mercy and compassion upon the deceased). For these adiya(supplications); we should check Kitaabul Adhkaar of Al-Imaam bn Sharaf An-nawawee. Also it could be found in the popular book called Hisnul Muslim(Citadel of a believer). The Imaam then makes the last takbeer; maintain little silence and make tasleem(i.e salamo) turning the head to the right and left. Other points regarding solaatul Janaazah: 1. Solaatu Ghoybiyya(A solaat in absentism) could be observed upon a deceased muslim probably he/she died amingst the disbelievers or upon a muslim who died in a place where we are sure solaatul Janaazah was not observed for him/her. This is as established in the hadeeth of Aboo Hurayrah reported by Bukhaari and Muslim where he said: The Prophet after being announcing to then the death of An-najjaashee(The Abyssinuan ruler whose name is Ashama bn Al-Abjar who became a muslim by Allaahs Leave and died on the throne of being a ruler); the Prophet then took them(i.e the companions) outside to the praying ground; arranged them in rows and observed solaatul Janaazah(in absentism) upon An-najaashee with four takbeeraat. We must however note that scholars of hadeeth explained that announcing the death of a deceased in public like a town crier; on T.V stations; Radio networks or the likes is not permissible. The only permissiblity is informing relatives of the deceased and other muslims inviting them over for the observance of solaatul Janaazah. This is as established in the hadeeth of Hudhayfa reported by Imaam Ahmad and graded sound by Imaam At-tirmidhiyy that the Prophet used to forbid the announcing of death. 2. Reported from Ibn Abbaas(rodiyllaahu anhu) from Muslim that he heard the Prophet saying: If any muslim dies and forty men who does not associate partners with Allaah observed prayer(i.e solaatul Janaazah) upon him/her; Allaah will accept their intercession and forgive the deceased. 3. If the deceased are more like some men and women; the Imaam should order the men be arranged infront and women arranged behind the men facing the direction of Qibla. 4. The women should not be prohibited from joining the men in observing solaatul Janaazah upon a deceased as established in the hadeeth of Umm atiyya reported by Bukhaari and Muslim where she said: We were forbidden to accompany the funerals but it was not stressed upon us. Scholars of hadeeeth explained that the reason behind this is due to the wailing; lamenting and over reactions of the women. However they explained that this prohibition is only upon those amongst the females that become violent when moaning a deceased. Other rulings on solaatul Janaazah would be brought forth to us Allaah willing. Baarokallaahu feekum.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 17:47:15 +0000

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