GROUP BUY FOR INSTATHEME WORDPRESS THEME. InstaTheme WP theme bought already, just need someone to divide the $170.00 cost of developers license. Each contributors (only want 17 people) who contributes $10 each and you get Theme: InstaTheme Developers Licence Upsell 1 : 5 Premium Templates Upsell 2 : Premium Icons + Banners +HUGE BONUS! Pls. pm me if interested. Thanks Note: Only 7 REMAINING SPOT available... so what is MEMBERSHIP SITE? Every BIG GUN uses membership sites. And you should too. It’s the most powerful way to brand yourself, host your infoproducts, use it to hold content, etc. And as you’ll see, with membership sites you can create the HOLY GRAIL — passive online income & multiple streams of income– faster and easier than ever. (And if you don’t you’ll soon learn how) But let’s be honest. Building them is a pain in the asswangola. I mean, even the latest and greatest WordPress theme’s are CLUNKY. And they suck time out of your day. Even the most popular one’s. But you’re about to discover why all the membership themes and plugins out there — even OptimizePress — are about to become as ANCIENT as your granny’s sewing machine. Here’s what this is all about: THIS the FIRST 100% drag-and-drop WP theme out there… …that creates Jaw-Dropping, Unique, and Professionally-Designed Membership Sites, IN less time than it takes to hire a designer. Now, when I say Drag & Drop, I mean you can drag and drop any element where you want it. DOWN TO THE PIXEL! Want to move your video up a touch? DONE. Want to change the width of your headline? DONE You can click and drag ANY change you want. You can resize anything. Change the color, change fonts, use any video format, upload images… you can do it all. It’s secret weapon: The Most Advanced VISUAL Editor in the world. Imagine clicking and dragging any video, headline, text, bullets, ANYTHING you can imagine. Then dragging it ANYWHERE you want on the page. And what you see is EXACTLY what it looks like when you click “Publish”. NEVER be forced to click “Preview” on a WordPress site again. Unbelievable? Not when you see the demo we’ve got for you. PLUS: It’s Fully responsive. It’s LOADED with custom icons and graphics. Totally customizable. Works seamlessly with ANY membership software. And a host of other powerful features. We’re talking serious WordPress ENVY here. So again, click the link and find out what the BIG deal is. BUT WHAT IS INSTATHEME? Insta Theme is a wordpress theme that helps you to create Unique, Stunning Membership Sites that Brand You and Your Product… With 1-Step Drag & Drop EASE. It includes four professional-quality templates that are specifically designed for membership sites. Once you click a few buttons and load Insta Theme, you will get : A long list of fonts and colors to choose from (so you dont have to look like the latest scamey WSO) 4 Premium Themes pre installed (So you don’t have to start from scatch) Over 100 membership icons to choose from. All you need to do is point and click and the icon is set up Customizable menu icons that fit with your custom design The best customer support you will find on the next. I have got a team of Five customer support staff ready to help you withanything you need A brandable header section where you can point, click and upload any custom header you choose. IM GIVING AWAY A HUGE BONUS SO HURRY UP! PM ME!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:34:17 +0000

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