GROUP FEEDING (not in the accepted sense); (Continuing from - TopicsExpress


GROUP FEEDING (not in the accepted sense); (Continuing from comments on the “meditation” post. Also inspired by a stray group member, this group, lame posts, and fun) * Awareness of the body/breathing is a way of stepping outside of the self to observe what is happening. A popular meditation for anxiety is to picture the anxious “energy” inside the body, and watch it come and go. This reduces its power, by reducing its significance. But, I prefer it to be placed in context of something which goes beyond simple defence techniques, to a broader approach to life. Just, people are afraid to offer more since they don’t want to impose Buddhism (especially considering karma!). After all, people are only interested in what is directly relevant to them. “God” is popular, on that point. It’s useful to be aware of the “self” as a process, but, I wouldn’t focus on the body any more than being aware of the concept of fulfilment. Seeing pain for what it is can help (to a degree), especially emotionally. For example, lovesickness will be caused by making someone else the standard of our self-worth, and this can be easily observed and stopped. The intellectual/emotional (spiritual) realm is about achieving self-value, by having a rationale and acting according to it. Emotions are after all instinctive urges to reach our priority, whether this be food or being worthy of a certain “standard”. For instance, this group has 55 members; a day ago it had 56. This is because a certain member “bowed” out after suffering an emotional reaction on realising that he was not on my “friends” list. Though I did not know him in real life, and had scant contact, his instinct was to “teach me a lesson” by leaving the group. After all, substance is not its weak point, so, there was no other option. Anger is caused when we feel our values are not being respected. If someone pushes in front of us (in a line), they’re suggesting that they’re more important than us. So, we want to even it out. We can get angry at reality when things don’t go our way. Or in the former member’s (“bower’s”) case, he felt that I was considering him “unworthy”, when really it is simply useless to have him on my “friends” list. Just whim. The only standard I’m “spruiking” is this philosophy, so, I suppose he has some better/more logical approach to life (e.g. transhumanism or, more than likely, the philosophy of feeling valued). Another obvious example is the general silence of this group. People are naturally attached, and chase the carrots which circumstances present (e.g. self-value through socialising, a particular talent etc.). They are not likely to “give up” a worldview which enables them to “fit in” to their circumstances, unless they are humbled. Nor will they challenge, since they’ll get “eaten”. People need enthusiasm for life, so, they become attached. They think that they’re “achieving” something, besides fulfilment. Therefore, people take their ego/identity seriously (they just need a way of affirming it). They ignore the basic reality of life, since it’s convenient. That’s fine, but if anyone wishes to deal with the real problems we face, they should stop pretending, clinging and pursuing. If anyone is serious about anything, it’s sensible to start with the truth. Our expectations change, and we’ll find that we’re happy with basic comfort. And the less expectations that we have, the more patience that we have (to be nice). I can personally vouch for that. It’s not egoism masquerading as genuine Facebook groups. Facebook is just a feeding ground. People desire affirmation from others, so, they post irrelevant or self-referential “updates” and wait for a “like”. Selfies, attempts at humour, or whatever “sounds the depth” of their relevance to the world. A.K.A. a “status”-update. Inclusion (validation) is a normal part of human sociality, but, there’s something “off” when it becomes a priority. Our culture prioritises ego, rather than a basic balance. As such, people lose perspective. I find people’s posts sickening, because when they’re not telling us about their lives or broadcasting selfies, they’re pretending to care about something [e.g. “us” and “them” posts which ooze with identity-juice). Whatever religion, whatever ideology, whatever cause, it’s all the same. People don’t admit what’s REALLY happening, because their priority’s their next fix. And this is so because they wouldn’t have anything less than enthusiasm (for life). Accepting reality would be too much for those who “lust for life”, and the bodily sensations and hormones that go with it. Seeing processes for what they are reduces their significance. Or else, it is like being caught in a maze. If we get “over ourselves” (literally), we can navigate quite a bit better. And in this maze, once you’ve seen it, there is no going back. A predator senses your body-heat – your heart-beat. It sees through you, and you must run. It’s the predator-truth, and if you keep running, you’ll be out of “puff” anyway.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:24:23 +0000

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