GROWING UP, SPIRITUALLY (By Rev Kenneth E. Hagin). Chapter - TopicsExpress


GROWING UP, SPIRITUALLY (By Rev Kenneth E. Hagin). Chapter 2 BABYHOOD (...continued) Ignorance Our two children are grown now with families of their own. In observing our babies and grand-babies I know this—a baby seems to think everything he can get his hands on is intended for his mouth. A newborn puts his hands in his mouth. As he grows a little older and learns to crawl across the floor if he finds a screw it goes in his mouth, if he finds a spoon it goes in his mouth, if he finds a spider it goes in his mouth. Babies are ignorant concerning these things. They dont know what should go in their mouths and what shouldnt. And babies have died as a result of not knowing that. They have gotten hold of something poisonous and it killed them. In one case I know of, a 14 month old baby, crawling across the floor, picked up some spoiled food left there perhaps by an older child. Before they could get the baby to a doctor, it died. An autopsy revealed the poisonous food. The parents went back home and found some of the food on the floor of a room which was seldom used. That little one didnt know he shouldnt eat it. He was ignorant concerning the effect it would have. What am I getting to? The same thing is true spiritually speaking. We need to be careful what goes into our spiritual mouths. We need to be as careful about what we read as we are about what we eat physically. Christians many times think nothing at all of gulping down some poisonous doctrine which will poison life spiritually, rob them of their spirituality, and ruin their testimony if they accept it. To be continued...(at 12:00GMT, on 6th Jan, 2015).
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 18:49:55 +0000

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