GRRRRRR! I am so feckin angry! Another spineless leftie - TopicsExpress


GRRRRRR! I am so feckin angry! Another spineless leftie armchair commentator pontificating from his nice safe office on the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross. The man has absolutely no idea. The whole article is based on some loose imagining of guilt by association. Westerners work for the Red Cross (and other Aid agencies) in trouble zones, therefore, these organisation must be in the pockets of Western Governments AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!! I knew Khalil (Ken) Dale - the bravest and gentlest guy I ever met - an ICRC delegate who was beheaded in Pakistan last year by person(s) unknown. When I was Training Officer in Dumfries and Manchester, he would come along and do talks to the local Red Cross Members about his work in some of the scariest places in the world. His talks put what everyone in the Red Cross Branch were doing into perspective. That was what all their work as all about. To suggest that the values he worked -and, ultimately died for - are somehow devalued (by some fly by night clueless bl**dy journo) is an insult to that mans memory. So, once I have torn this Guardian pr*ck to ribbons in the comments, Ill be outside kicking lamp posts!! theguardian/commentisfree/2013/nov/01/red-cross-get-back-hijacked-neutrality?commentpage=1
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:21:47 +0000

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