GS - Current Affairs - Editorials / Opinion - 5th July - TopicsExpress


GS - Current Affairs - Editorials / Opinion - 5th July 2014 Topic: New security order in Asia. Write short notes on the following (50 Words each) a) Panchsheel Policy b) Non – Aligned Movement c) Asia for Asians 1)The US security role in Asia is a manifestation of outmoded Cold War thinking. Critically Analyze. 2)Xi Jinping’s attempt to recalibrate Panchsheel for its contemporary foreign policy needs might seem empty rhetoric at worst or political romanticism at best. Discuss. 3)Do you think the American alliances in Asia had countered “Soviet hegemonism” and prevented the revival of “Japanese militarism”? 4)China now appears confident that an America in decline has opened the door for the construction of a new security order in Asia. Explain. 5)Are you aware that the non-aligned India was not averse to playing balance of power politics when compelled by external circumstances? 6)China’s expanding military clout and its assertiveness in territorial disputes are driving some of its neighbours into a tighter embrace with the US. Critically Evaluate. 7)As it rises to become a great power, China is determined to reconstitute Asian geopolitics, which had been dominated by the United States since the end of World War II.Discuss. 8)If Beijing is trying to undermine American alliances in Asia, its neighbors are trying to strengthen them. How does India respond to this unfolding contestation in Asia? 9)As an increasingly powerful China seeks to reorder Asia, New Delhi must firmly locate China’s Panchsheel campaign in a clinical assessment of Asia’s rapidly evolving geopolitics and its consequences for Indian security.Analyse. 10)“It is for the people of Asia to run the affairs of Asia, solve the problems of Asia and uphold the security of Asia. The people of Asia have the capability and wisdom to achieve peace and stability in the region through enhanced cooperation.”Discuss. Reference. successiasacademy/newsview.php?nid=105
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 10:47:20 +0000

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