GUARDING OUR WORDS: MESSAGE BY PASTOR SAM - It is very important - TopicsExpress


GUARDING OUR WORDS: MESSAGE BY PASTOR SAM - It is very important to take care of our words because we will be accountable before God for everyone of them that we utter in our entire life - There are two kinds of words that have power: a. Positive (good) words b. Negative (bad) words. These are also called weeds 1. Words transmit power (Matthew 12:33-37) 2. Words reveal our character vv. 33-35. They reveal the inner attitude of our hearts 3. Words determine our reward and our judgment vv. 36-37. What someone sows is what they will reap, whether good or bad 4. Words produce fruit v. 33. They are seeds that are planted, and given time and chance, they will grow 5. Words shape destiny v. 37 • God shaped the universe with His words Genesis 1-2 • He sustains His creation with His powerful Word Hebrews 1:3 • He performs miracles through the use of words Romans 4:17 6. Words carry the power of life and death Three words that can directly affect your life: 1. Your words to yourself 2. Your words to others 3. Other people’s words to you We must guard our words. Tell God to deal with your mouth, e.g. David Psalm 19:14 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life Proverbs 10:11 Three tests to go through as you go towards your destiny: 1. MOUTH TEST 2. MORAL TEST 3. MINDSET TEST
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 12:13:51 +0000

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